Your Integrity Is Your Success Address

In September 23, 2015

The key is self-awareness.

Sometimes we fail to listen to what we know is right out of fear or limiting beliefs. We are misled into thinking that this is what it takes to get ahead. It’s the old, “Nice people finish last” reasoning. If you find yourself buying into that notion, STOP! Do not succumb to FEAR!

You know what FEAR stands for, don’t you? False Evidence Appearing Real! Resist that temptation and run away… with your head held high and your integrity intact.

Authentic Success NEVER requires you to compromise yourself to receive it.

Your Action Steps:

Try on a new way of being.  Find a couple different states of being that make you feel fabulous

Create a list of 101 wishes.  Things that you would be doing if you were living the life of your dreams



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