Why You Need to Meet Joe

In May 24, 2010

Do you know Joe?

You will want to when you know who he is and what he does.

Joe is a client, colleague and friend of mine who is GREAT and teaching successful people like you to release their limiting beliefs and create the success you seek.

For the first time Joe Schroder is going to teach You what Limiting Beliefs are, How they are created, How they affect your Life and most importantly… “what You can do about them” in a FREE  1 hour tele-class! TONIGHT!

Register, be on the call, listen to the replay if:

  • You want more out of life, and don’t know why you can’t achieve it?
  • You are not living the life you desire?
  • If you are frustrated by self-help methods that haven’t worked for you?

There’s a good chance that your beliefs are your barrier.

You are not alone. Everyone has limiting beliefs. Many beliefs come from childhood, others are absorbed from authority figures, culture and society.

If you answer “Yes” to one of the following questions, it’s likely you are suffering due to a limiting belief:

  • Is there a reoccurring problem you can’t overcome?
  • Have you ever made a resolution and not kept it?
  • Are you not taking action to get what you want?
  • Do you feel something is sabotaging your success?

Have you made comments like:

  • I’ll be happy when (fill in the blank) happens.
  • Money doesn’t grow on trees!
  • I can’t afford that!
  • All the good men (women) are taken.
  • I don’t feel safe in relationships.
  • I never seem to find the right person
  • It’s too hard.
  • That will never work!

Then this FREE call is for you.

If you’re ready to discover how limiting beliefs control and limit your life. If you are ready to learn how changing your beliefs can help you to  achieve the life you really desire, THEN THIS CALL IS FOR YOU.

Click here to register (FREE) Listen to the testimonial also.

The call will be available for replay to all those who register. So take a moment and take action…join the call and release your limiting beliefs now!

Ps. Tell Joe the Success Genie sent you…you can thank me later. 🙂

Here is to Your Success,


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