Who Says You Can’t Go Home?

In June 28, 2010

Do you ever reminisce about days gone by when time was simple and you had people around you who just loved you and took care of you?

Those were the good old days for sure.

Would you take a moment and remember that time in your life whenever it was right now?  You will see why in a moment.  How does it feel?

Perfect right?

For me they were especially abundant in the summer.  We would spend evenings and weekends at my grandparents and in the summers that my gramps was retired we would spend the entire summer there. My Gram would come home after work and my parents would join us for dinner.  Fun in the sun, pool time, and learning how to garden, paint and take care of the jewel we called the pool was a rite of passage for us.  Being with gram and gramps was a time where I could just relax and be me.

Who says you can’t go home?

I know we can’t transport ourselves in time but we can recreate a little bit of that right now.

This is how I am re-creating mine:

For the past year I have been stressing about getting to see everyone in Florida especially Gram. Well I got sick of stressing and decided to move the mountain to Mohamed….Grams is HERE with me for the SUMMER!!!!!!!

No time limits, no stress of the dysfunctional dynamics of the entire family and we get to recreate our favorite childhood memories together and create new ones. There is even a chance that the rest of my family will drive up at the end of the summer to visit and take her back home.

How is that for a “Why do things always work out better than you can imagine” moment.

When you can’t go home bring home to you!

Now remember that feeling you have right now connecting to your favorite summertime memory?   Use your genie magic and find some creative way to take yourself back home.  Maybe your Grams is not available but be open to a way that you can recreate the feeling.

Maybe you can spend a day at the beach playing in the sand with your kids, plan a camping trip or create a camp fire roasting marshmallows, fishing. or reading a special book or lighting a special fragrance that reminds you of that time.

You can go back home, any time you desire.

Here is to you Success,


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