
Where Does Your Creativity Come From?

In January 22, 2016

creativeToday, lets talk about creativity, energy and passion.

The question is…Where does your creativity come from?  You might be thinking why is that important to know?   Here is why this is important for you to know about yourself…

To create success you need lots of energy.  You need energy to open the doors to your creativity.  When you are creating you are stoking the fires of your passion and essence for being here playing the game of life.

Remember, your power comes from your ability to tap into your creative side.

When I am working with my clients I find connecting to my creativity and passion easy and so enjoyable.  Whether I am coaching clients one on one or in a group setting, I love helping them see things in a new way. The joy they experience when they truly see themselves as they really are is always an awesome feeling and it’s when I truly feel my creativity and passion come through!

How great would it feel if you were totally connected to your possibilities? Dare to jump into the pool of your creative river and share your gifts with the world!

Where does your creativity come from?

Lets share — Let me know where your creative powers take you.


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