What the Heck is Mind Frick?

In February 22, 2010

Happy Monday!

Have you ever had a negative reaction when you got what you neeed but not in the form you expected? Did you notice how much you “should” all over yourself when that happens?

That happened to me this week and I realized how much “mind frick” keeps us from what makes us feel connected.  It seemed to be a theme this week for my clients and myself.

After a week of receiving a large sum of unexpected money, registering new attendees for the upcoming Unlock the Genie Intensive and having to rush our cat Kyra to the vet with unexpected digestive issues, I found myself getting stuck in my negative mind frick and expectations.  So many good things happened and I struggled to accept it because they didn’t come in the forms I “thought” they should.

Has this ever happened to you?  The Universe provides beyond what you asked for but because you couldn’t control the outcome you reject the gift?  I am sure you can relate.

What made me feel worse is that it affected my relationship with you. That was the big ouch.  My “mind frick” stopped me from sharing things that I know could benefit you because of false, limiting beliefs and blah, blah, blah.

Do you know what “mind frick” sounds like?

“Blah, Blah,Blah”, “nag,nag,nag”, “you shouldn’t”, “you should have”, “you ought to”, “you better not”, “what if it doesn’t work?”, what will they think?” etc.  It was raining shoulds all over me. Mind Frick is endless chatter of doubt, insecurity and negative talk.  It is the opposite of possibility and empowerment. It makes everything about you rather than the connection you have to others and the Universal force you have access to.

Have you ever noticed that your mind frick focuses you on the obstacles and the reasons you can’t rather than the how you can and why it would work?  I got called out on my mind frick during my mastermind meeting this weekend.  (I love my mastermind group)

Due to my mind frick and need to do things “right” and not look a certain way (selfish) I didn’t really go all out and invite you to our upcoming weekend event.

I made a decision for you based on my mind chatter and that wasn’t right.  Today’s Monday musing is my attempt to correct that.  I apologize for the last minute correction.

This weekend we have people coming from three states to attend the Unlock the Genie weekend.  One is actually traveling from the West coast.  That is when I woke up and got it.  I am letting my “mind frick make a choice for you.” How rude.

  • Do you have something that you are struggling with?  Do you have a chronic habit, pattern, or fear that you desperately desire to let go of?
  • Are you struggling with making money?  Do you need to grow your business and just feel overwhelmed?
  • Are you just sick and tired of struggling and KNOW that you have a lot of UNUSED potential that you want to unlock?
  • If you knew you could unleash that potential and convert into action would you take time to learn how?

I know it is last minute and I am sure you could come up with a million reasons why you can’t attend but what if you could?  What if you did?  What could be possible for you by next Monday?  How could your circumstances be the stepping stone to your next level of success?

If there was only one program you ever attending with me this is the one I would choose for you.  It is AMAZING not because it is mine but what you can do with it. It is changing lives and it really works.  I only do it once a year and I would hate to see you have to wait one more minute for what you desire and deserve. By the end of the weekend you are free to create anything and overcome the biggest challenge you are facing right now.

I apologize that people who haven’t ever met me are traveling across the country to create their dreams and I didn’t step out of my comfort zone and invite you, my friend and colleague.  Based on our space we only have about 4 spots left but you are welcome to claim one.

I make a public commitment to put my mind frick aside and present EVERYTHING I think would be beneficial to you and let you make the choice to accept it or not for yourself.

Call the office 203-345-0677 to register for the event or leave a comment about what your mind frick tells you on my latest post.

Enjoy Monday’s Musing.


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