What is so great about a setback?

In April 26, 2010

Happy Monday!

Since I have been home recovering from sprained back muscles I have had some time on my hands.  At first I was really frustrated and freaked out but when I finally gave in and accepted my fate I started to see the positive side of this temporary yet painful set back.

It got me wondering …what could be so great about having a setback?

So I am asking you for your musing today …

What do You think could be so great about experiencing a personal and professional setback?

I have three to get the ball rolling;

Having time to ponder

When you are running around, chasing down your to do’s you don’t spend a lot of time on the big picture. Experiencing a setback allows you time  to step back and re-evaluate your situation and strategies.

You have the opportunity to appreciate what really IS working in your life

Experiencing a temporary setback allows you to be aware of all that you do have that makes life worth living.  You begin to acknowledge what is working and take the time to feel good about what you are doing well.

Allows you to make necessary changes you have been putting off

Being forced into a time out doesn’t feel good but it does give you a chance to stop and re-evaluate your choices and see what is not really working.  When you are busy you are so focusing on doing you loose touch with WHY you are taking action in the first place.  Sometime your WHY is spot on but your How is way off course.  Getting stopped mid-stream allows you to review and correct your actions.

Please Leave your comment on this post and share it with others. Share it on facebook below or retweet it to friends.  Let’s see how many good things we can come up with.

Ps. Let’s always keep in mind that a setback is really just a setup for a comeback.
Enjoy Your Monday Musing,

Kim, Success Genie

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