What if this is your wake up call?

In April 12, 2010

Happy Monday!

This week our theme is wake up calls.  Have you ever had a wake up call?  Is there something that you know you need to be doing or changing but for some reason you have been putting it off or avoiding it?

The reason why I ask is I got a call last week from my Dad.  He called me to tell me he took my Mom to the hospital because she was having really bad gas pains.  When she got there she started to have pain in her jaw and chest and they informed her that she was having a heart attack.

She is only 67 and has NEVER had any heart issues.  Thank goodness it was a small one because they were able to stop it, put stents in and stabilize her.  The Doctor said she is going to be fine but this is her WAKE UP CALL!

My Mom knew she has had to make changes in her lifestyle for a long time, years.  She always was too busy or too stressed about something else to focus on herself and do what she needed to do.

She always had good reasons.  I am sure you do too.

Here is the thing…No matter what your reasons you have a job to do and that is to take good care of yourself.  With out you, your life doesn’t really work so well.

My Mom is on two weeks house arrest to rest and rethink her choices, doctors orders.  I am only going to ask you to take two minutes.  LOL

Take a few minutes today and really think about yourself and what you really desire.  Make a commitment to at least ONE thing that you will do to put yourself and your needs first.

Maybe today THIS is your wake up call...I promise you it will be less painful that the one my mother just got.

Be grateful for the day you have and live the life you love.

Happy Musing,

Kim, Success Genie

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