What happened to this week’s Monday Musing?

In April 23, 2010

You might be avoiding taking care of yourself because you don’t feel you have the time or money right now to focus on it.  You might have the time and money but you don’t have the energy or desire to deal with it right now.

Have you ever said to yourself “now is just not the right time?”

I have and I have been saying It is not the right time for a long time about things that are really important

You know when the Universe is trying to tell you something right?

Do you know what happens when you don’t listen…You are forced to sit still

I have been ignoring my physical health for a long time.  I felt I had other urgent things to deal with.  I have been meaning to get to it.  I am sure you can relate this to something in your life you have been putting off.

Saturday something in my back went out but I ignored it. By Sunday it was dealing with me. I was unable to move, lie down or walk.  I was in so much pain it hurt to breathe.  I was still thinking I could handle it on my own until Monday morning when I realized this might be serious.  I called my doctor and he took me as an emergency.  He got me out of the excruciating pain and put me on house arrest until I see him today and put me in a valium induced three day sleep to decrease the inflammation and stress in my back and body.  He said I did this to myself due to stress, anxiety and being out of shape. The good news is I can make myself better with a little help from my doctor and his team.

For my denial and commitment to worry and stress I have won myself a forced sabbatical and weeks of physical therapy. The excuse that I don’t have the time or money to deal with this right now doesn’t make sense now does it?

What is so good about this is the Universe cares about us sometimes more than we do.  It is forcing me to face my fears and show up in a new way.  The Universe is about to show me how to find the time.  LOL

What are you putting off that you KNOW is important?  What is the excuse you are using to avoid taking action?  I am taking my 29-challenge again this month to get myself back on track and I am creating a new get in shape routine.

Join me in getting back in success shape.  Join the 29-day Challenge with me and if you are already involved you will be getting some new emails and videos to help you.


I look forward to getting the next Monday Musing out on time.

Let’s claim our birthright together.

Kim, Success Genie

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