What Did Einstein Know About Marketing?

In March 31, 2009

Sitting here today pondering what tips to share about Marketing I found my self thinking about Albert Einstein. Now you might be thinking Kim, when did you loose your mind and think Einstein knew anything about Marketing? That is exactly what I thought and I realized that Einstein’s genius did have an important insight about marketing…


Einstein said:

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

Have you found yourself falling into one or more of these marketing mind-sets?

  • “Broad is Better”
  • “I don’t need/want to market myself”
  • “I can’t afford to market/advertise”

If you are thinking or feelihttp://www.successgenie.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=444&action=editng this way you are a prisoner of your own making. Einstein knew that is that you need to be “out of your mind” to solve the problem you mind created.

Millionare Marketer Eban Pagan calls it getting altitude.

What could you be doing to day that could create a breakthrough in your business today?

Create a money mind-set and learn how to create marketing that makes you money.

Live in Abundance,


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