What Are Your Big Rocks?

In November 22, 2015

bigrocksLets Talk about The Big Rocks

Most people I know are either rushing around putting the final touches on their holiday preparations or in a panic that they haven’t even thought about it. Even I can find myself a little overwhelmed juggling my business responsibilities and life’s demands.

Whether you are an early planner or last minute shopper I hope you will take the time to enjoy the holiday season. Holiday season should be festive, fun and joyful – not stressful and challenging.

As the holidays quickly approach and we find ourselves facing the daily challenge of balancing work and the holidays What Are Your Big Rocksmake sure you find time to recognize what I call our “big rocks”. Many of you that know me, know what I mean when I refer to the “big rocks.” They are the five things that make your like work and that are most important to you.

Everyone’s “big rocks” are different. For me, my personal big rocks are Health, Family, Fun, Helping others and Freedom.

What are yours?

Once you know who and what your big rocks really are, the secret is to put them first every day.

My new students are always amazed how great their lives turn out on the days they remember to follow their “big rocks.” When they put their big rocks first they find that no matter how big their to do list is, everything magically gets done and works out better than they can imagine.

On the days they forget they find themselves feeling overwhelmed and defeated by their tasks.

Identify Your Big Rocks

A science teacher came to class ready to share an experiment. He brought with him a small jar. He opened his bag and put on the table a bag of sand, gravel, water and several big rocks.

He explained that they were to discover how to get all these ingredients into the small jar.

As the students observed the experiment they noticed the order the teacher placed things in the jar. The first item he put in the jar were the big rocks, then the gravel, followed by the sand and last went the water.

To the amazement of the students the teacher had successfully completed the experiment. The teacher asked ” How was I able to put all these things into the jar?’ A student replied, “I think it had something to do with putting the big rocks first.” The teacher replied,” You are correct. If I had put anything else in the jar first I would not have been able to fit everything in.”

The teacher then explained the real lesson. The jar represents your life. The gravel, sand and water are all the things in your life. When you put the important things in first everything else finds it place. When you don’t things don’t fall into place.

Take a moment and write down the five things that are most important to you right now without thinking. This exercise is for you to discover what is REALLY important to you.

Big Rocks

For more help with Big Rocks and other success tips follow us on Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn or sign up for our newsletter blog.

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kim@successgenie.com                                 www.successgenie.com                            (203) 345-0677

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