What Are You thinking?

In April 29, 2010

Have you noticed that what you think has a huge role in how your day goes? It is really bigger than that.  What you think actually creates your personal reality that shapes and controls your life!

How is that for a morning wake up call?  Now you my be thinking, Kim, there are much bigger things shaping my reality right now, my bills, my family, my work, my list of endless to do’s.

Here is my response….

You may be right about that but is it believing that making you happy and rich?  if the answer is no keep reading….

I have always been a leader of the teaching what you think you become.   Napoleon Hill was the first public person to shout that message from the roof tops in his book classic Think and Grow Rich.

There is an other teacher that I think you should consider reading…

“The Magic of Thinking Big”   by David J. Schwartz

Here is an excerpt from his book:

Cement in your mind this question, ” Is this the way and important person does it?  Use this question to make you a bigger, more successful person.


Look important; it helps you think important.  Your appearance talks to you.  Be sure it lifts your spirits and builds your confidence.  Your appearance talks to others.  Make certain it says; “Here is an important person: intelligent, prosperous and dependable”

Think your work is important. Think this way and you will receive mental signals on how to to your job better.  Think your work is important and your subordinates will think their work is important too.

Give yourself a pep talk several times a day. Build a “sell yourself-to-yourself” commercial.  Remind yourself at every opportunity that you are a first class person.

In all of life’s situations, ask yourself, “Is this the way an important person thinks?”  Then obey the answer.

What are your most empowering thoughts that help you create your success on a daily basis?  Leave a comment and contribute to someone else’s success!

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