Treat Success Like a Child

In July 14, 2019

Genie’s Gem: Treat success is like a cherished child or spouse.

In order to be with you success must trust that you will take care of it and commit to its needs.

You choose to be with people who show up to you and prove they are trustworthy.

Don’t you?

Just as if I choose to put you last all the time you will go and find some one else to be with who will put you first. Just like a child it needs you to show up every day. It needs to spend time with you.

In order to be with you success must trust that you will take care of it and commit to its needs.

When you put success first it will take care of you for life.

Believe and Receive!

To schedule a free clarity to breakthrough strategy session reach out to me @ 203-345-0677 or Get your success score @

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