The Ugly Truth about Low Self-Esteem

In February 17, 2012

The tragic death of Whitney Houston poignantly exposes the dirty truth about the consequences of low self-esteem.  Although we do not know the actual physical cause of her death, the ultimate reason she is not here with us today is low-self esteem.

Barbara Streisand said it best when she said the tragedy of Whitney’s death is that she could not seem to experience the joy her gifts gave us.

Low self-esteem robs you of the joy and power of being you.  Without the proper levels of self-esteem you are unable to enjoy the gifts you have to share with the world no matter how many people tell you they love you and those gifts.  Low self-esteem leaves you feeling alone and unsatisfied.  When you self esteem is lower than your desire to be successful you become disconnected from the truth that you are enough and that you are a gift to the world.

Unfortunately she is not the first talented and gifted person we have lost to the labyrinth of low self-esteem.  John Belushi, Freddie Prinze, Kurt Cobain, Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse are just a few, not to the many gifted unknown talents we have lost.

Low self-esteem is a slippery slope to self-sabotage and self-destruction.  Low Self Esteem is the epidemic that extinguishes personal power.

Self-Esteem is the feeling of worth you have about yourself.  The value you have just because you exist.  Self Esteem is the engine of action and is required to achieve and sustain success.  Self -esteem has nothing to do with talent or intelligence.  It has everything to do with your ability to feel success-ful and satisfied with yourself and the blessings in your life. Knowing that the greatest love of all comes from within is not enough.  The ability to experience that love and power lies in your ability to value and trust yourself.

Here are some helpful ways to keep your self-esteem shining  for the world to see and for you to enjoy the gift that you really are.


Put Yourself First

You cannot give from an empty well so if it is your intention to give make sure you give to yourself every day.  Commit at least 30 minutes each day doing something that puts joy in your heart.  Taking care of you first will allow you to be a resource to many.  The more you practice what I call “extreme self care” the more you can create and receive.


Affirm What You Do Well Every Day

Write down five things you did well every day.  Celebrate each success as if it was a Grammy award winning achievement.  Each achievement you acknowledge builds your sense of self-worth and ability to receive even more success.


Express Gratitude Daily

Each day take the time to give thanks for all that you have.  What you focus on expands and giving thanks for your blessings allows you to feel successful.  Give thanks for what you have and for what you are about to receive.  Write down five things every day that you are grateful for.  Remember that the attitude of gratitude builds your altitude.


Embrace Your Uniqueness

Remember that you are the most precious gift that you will ever receive.  Treat yourself as well if not better than your most prized possession.  No matter what your imperfections there is only one  of you in this word.  You have gifts that no one else has.  Share them gladly with the world.  You never know when you light can and will need to illuminate someone else’s darkness.


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