The Power of Accountability

In December 29, 2009

This week’s genie’s gem is…

Be Accountable

To be accountable means having the the courage and willingness totake responsibility for everything that is happening in your life right now.

The good, the bad and the ugly. Even the stuff you
don’t think you created or asked for.  Good or bad this is your
life and whether you are flying like and eagle or struggling to
take the elephant off your chest, you are responsible for yourself and your actions.

This is a big task, and as a human being it is not a natural state of being.

It is however, the most important thing you can do to be super successful and happy.

Feeling like a victim to your circumstances leaves you feeling like you are in the arms of an anaconda. Think of being accountable as the super strength you need to release
it’s grip.

Remember this precious gem-  Success is not measured by whathappens to you but how you show up to it.  If you don’t like what is happening or what you are receiving you have the choice about how you react.

Let this be your new motto — “If it is to be is it up to me”

Being accountable shows the Universe that you are willing to show up and be released from the pressure you are feeling and willing to receive the abundance you deserve.

Feel the power of accountability — To go up you must show up.

Share you experience of being accountable.
Here is to your Success,

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