The One Thing to Know About Letting Go

In July 22, 2013

Happy Monday!


Today’s musing is the one thing you need to know if you are going to use the “Let Go to Grow” philosophy in your life.


This week’s musing was inspired by my Platinum Clients who meet with me on a weekly business to grow their businesses to six figures and beyond; they have been implementing this technique to grow their businesses with great results!


Like all my new clients they come to me not in balance with their dreams and desires.  They are working hard, worried about business and feeling like they don’t have enough time and money to get things done.  Over time they begin to implement energy management in their lives and things change…drastically.


When you begin the program you are caught in this feast or famine cycle of money and time, constantly in motion or worried about what you need to do.  In the beginning there seems little time to think about what you want your life to be like because you’re spending your time just trying to cope with the way it is.


This is what my clients tell me and I have experienced too.


What they aren’t prepared for is the shift…the experience you get when you actually begin to get back into balance.  Putting yourself first and having fun has a price….you have more free time.  This was the experience one of my clients had and she was surprised to find that she wasn’t prepared to have so much time to herself.


She was successful putting out her “fires” and found free time for herself;  she was shocked and found herself unsure of what to do with it.  I asked her if she created her success plan and she admitted she didn’t do one because she didn’t think she had the time…LOL.


We both had a laugh with her awareness that what I teach works whether you believe it or not…it kind of freaked her out.


It can be a little unsettling to find yourself with unexpected time, no dramas to figure out, no fires to put out; having time for you and having fun.


Just thought I would warn you so you don’t get surprised this week when it works for you too.  Make a list of the fun things you would like to do because if you let go to grow you will finally have the time to enjoy it!


Happy Musing…Share your thoughts and experiences about letting go to grow in the comments below.






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