The Day I Died…

In September 12, 2019

I am going to share a very personal story with you today.  

It is not pretty but it is my intention is to inspire you to turn your obstacles into stepping stones even if you do not think that is possible right now.

I was a freshman in college with my entire life ahead of me.  My childhood was filled with loss but the future looked bright.  My trust in what the world held for me was boundless and I was on a journey of discovery and ultimate success.

Can you remember a time in your life that you felt this way?

I went to a commuter college.  At the end of the first semester we had a mixer in the cafeteria.  Once of the Seniors who hung out with my friends asked me if I would like to go and grab a soda together.  He was cute and I kind of had a crush on him.  He said he could take me home after.
I said yes.  Little did I know that would be the last time anyone would ever see “me” again…

I will leave out the details but just know we didn’t ever get that soda.  He had other things in mind.  He did take me home but not before taking my innocence against my will, telling me never to tell what happened otherwise I would be sorry.

I kept that promise for a few years (not a great strategy) and pretended I was still the same girl everyone remembered from the day before…
The truth was the person I was died that day, December 10,1985…..

Have you every felt like a fraud?

I felt robbed and pretending made me feel like a total fraud.
My entire belief system about myself and the world changed….not in a good way.  All the trust and hope I had for the future was gone erased.  

I carried that fear with me most of my 20’s.  Now matter what success I created deep down I was so done, defeated and depressed. 

With nothing more to do I started to read a lot.  I learned about beliefs and how they create our reality.

I learned how mindset creates or erases our possibility…not our circumstance.

We are not our circumstances but we become what we believe.  My beliefs have changed so much from that time back in the 1985 and all that I thought was impossible became possible.  

Friends started to call me “Kim Possible” and eventually I  became known at the Success Genie….inspiring, motivating and educating you to believe and receive your birthright…success.

Looking back that moment it gave birth to who I am now.  Not without struggle or tears, it guided me to who I was always meant to be.

Over the next 6 weeks with your permission I will be inviting you to experience for yourself  how your beliefs create your reality and how you can shift from striving to thriving with much less time than it took me.  Deal?

Success Is Your Birthright…Believe and Receive

Ps.If you are not already receiving your weekly Genie’s Gems go to and get them now

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