The Big Decision I Just Made…

In December 10, 2009
Can you believe we are in the month of December already?  I feel like Thanksgiving was just a few days ago.

I hope you are enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday with your family or friends! I spent the holiday with my Aunt, uncle and cousins whom I love but don’t get a chance to see as often as I would like. It reminded me of when we were young and we had the entire family together.

Time off and time with loved ones gives us a larger perspective on our lives, and I used some of this holiday time to do some writing and map out my three-year plan. It includes both intensely personal goals, such as planning to expand our family, as well as exciting business goals, such as moving into books, videos and the national arena.

As we set intentions for new goals that are part of our growth path, it’s an important part of the manifestation process that we also create space for those events to happen in our future.

As part of this process, I have retired our 90-Day Program and  2010 will be the LAST year that I will be personally coaching clients in our boot camp programs.
Working with my clients in these programs is one of the most rewarding of my current business model, and I’m excited to be coaching such wonderful clients for another full year. However as I am called to reach out to business owners all over the country on an even larger scale over the next few years, I know that 2010 is realistically the last year I can fully dedicate the time and energy that the group coaching program demands.

So, to be fair, I wanted to let you know now. This may just have been the message you needed to hear to power into high gear and make the leap into my Pathways to Success Program especially if you are Platinum material.

Join me tomorrow on a special, complimentary call explaining all the details of my Silver, Diamond and Platinum tiers, which offer my highest levels of support to help you grow your business at an accelerated pace.

I am also inviting you to join me in a 21-day Success Countdown to the New Year. I will be sharing tips and secrets to enjoy the holiday, set 2010 intentions and how to leverage the time that is still left in 2009 for your success.


A Complimentary One-Time Informational Teleseminar: How to Make 2010 Your Most Powerful Year Yet…With the Pathways to Success Program
LIVE with Kim Kasparian
Wednesday, December 9, 2009, at 8pm Eastern
Learn more and reserve your spot now.


Even if you’re just curious, come join us and listen… learn what the programs entail, what our membership requirements are, and see for yourself if they are a good fit for you and your business.

Reserve your spot now.

See You on the Call.

Love and Success,

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