The 5 Must Have Networking Skills

In July 21, 2009


Attitude is everything.  It determines your altitude.  You can do everything wrong with the right attitude and still succeed.  You can do everything right but with the wrong attitude not get out of the starting gate.  Adopt an attitude of gratitude and you will see yourself attracting the people you are looking to meet.


The right attitude builds and develops self-esteem.  It is the power and basis for positive action.  It creates the basis for all beliefs.  It is our success thermostat. We can not rise above our own deserve level.  If we want greater success we must increase or level of self-esteem and self worth proportionately.


The structure your success is built on.  It is the blueprint for what you build.  Beliefs create thoughts. Tools to develop belief: Visualization, Goal Posters, Recorded Affirmations, and Reframing.  Develop a belief system based on faith not fear. Develop a belief system that you have something of great value to share with your market and community.


You get what you focus on.  You thoughts create your reality. It is your choice to focus on abundance or scarcity.  Focus on attracting new clients and people who can refer you and your services


A desire is just a wish unless is written and S.M.A.R.T. People don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan. Make sure your plan is Specific, Measurable, Action-Oriented, Realistic based on the Timeline and resources you have to work with.

Share Your Goal with Your Network

Once you have defined clearly what you want and it is in a S.M.A.R.T. format, the smartest way to achieve it is to tell people and find out how they can help you get it.

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