Has Success Been Good To You?
Have you found the success you have imagined having or are you still working to find it? As we have said in past Success Genie blogs, Sunday is a time for reflection. So, if you find yourself thinking that you... -
Momentum Tour 2 Benefits Breast Cancer
The Momentum Tour 2 kicked off last Wednesday in Hartford, CT and will continue to offer this educational and networking event throughout the month of October in three other cities in Connecticut; Westport, New Haven and Stamford. The purpose... -
Why It is O.K to be a B.R.A.T.
Why it’s OK to be a B.R.A.T. Do you remember what it was like to be a child? So wide-eyed, innocent and pure in your beliefs? Remember when society (or even your loved ones) began dumping on those beliefs... -
The Key to Success
I have been getting a lot of emails from people talking about the downsizing economy and horror stories of people closing their business and loosing their jobs due to the recession. Everywhere I turn I hear nothing but bad...