Sunday Is a Time for Personal Reflection

In September 27, 2015

Sunday is a great day to reflect on what is going right in your personal and professional life and more importantly, what is going wrong in these areas.

Are you happy in these areas and content with the direction you are going?  Or are you someone that can’t wait until 5pm on Friday and on Sundays you are dreading Monday morning?  If you are spending your time on Sunday thinking about how you are dreading work on Monday —  this should be one indicator that your professional life needs either a tune up or maybe even a complete overhaul.  Whatever the case, if what you are doing now is not putting profit in your pocket and joy in your heart, it’s time to make a change.  More than likely if you are not happy in your professional life, it is spilling into your personal life as well.

Take the opportunity on Sunday to determine what you really want and need in your professional and personal life and take the next step that will help get you to the level of success and happiness that you desire.  If you are unsure what your next step should be, consider working with a business coach that will help you create specific goals that will lead you to your success.

Success Genie has various programs that are all designed to help entrepreneurs, corporate employees and managers, and even professionals that are in transition between jobs.  If you are unsure what your next step should be and need some direction call or email me for a free consultation – (203) 345-0677 or


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