Plug Your Energy Drains: Create a “Bug List”

In May 26, 2014


Do you ever feel too tired to get things done?  Are you tolerating a situation or an item that just bugs you?


Write down all the things that you are tolerating or that just bug you; believe it or not these things prevent success from residing in your life!


List things like the clutter in your home, the over flowing laundry, the lack of money in your checkbook or savings accounts…


Be brave and list the big things like the kids not going to sleep early enough for you to have time for your self, habits your spouse or significant other has that bother you and you haven’t found a way to tell them…


You get the idea?


Write down everything that would be different if you hit the lottery or had a genie to wish away your issues.  Next time you don’t feel motivated or you are worrying about an outcome, go to your bug list and take one step to plug an energy drain.


Watch the universe come to your aid and help you resolve them one by one!



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