Money and Self-Worth

In December 13, 2015

moenyselfSunday might be a good day to talk about Self Worth

Sunday is always a good day for reflection and a day to lay out a plan as to what you are going to do tomorrow differently.

So lets talk about a popular topic and that is the relationship between money and self-worth.  It is a message that I have been sharing for over 12 years as a coach and successful entrepreneur. I learned this on a very personal level over 20 years ago.

“Money is NEVER the problem” If you are having money problems you are making choices that aren’t right for you and it is showing up in your money.

Money or the lack of is not your problem it is symptom of a bigger, deeper issue.  That issue is self-worth; your feeling about yourself.

So right about now you are probably thinking “so how do I get self-worth?”

I am going to answer that question for you right now.

You are great, you have value and you are important.  KNOW IT!  If you desire or require a satisfying, vibrant financial life implement the steps below.

Know Your Self Worth

No matter what your personal or financial situation you have value because you exist.  You are important and you have many gifts and talents to share with yourself and the world.  Take the time to get to know what those gifts are.  You can begin by making a list of 50 gifts that you personally possess. Those talents can be shared but to do that you need to be aware of them.

Acknowledge What You Do Well Every Day

Make it your daily commitment to write down five things that you did well during the day.  Don’t judge the value of what you did or how “exciting” or worthwhile the task was.  Just record it as a personal “pat on the back” for a job well done. The key to success and financial freedom is to build your self-esteem.

gratitude-journal-480x236Keep a Gratitude Journal

That saddest thing about low self-worth is that you are unable to see or accept what you do have.  You tend to focus on things outside of you and what you want.  When you do that you are saying you don’t have anything of value feeding the vicious cycle of low self esteem.  Keep a gratitude journal.

Take the time daily to record what the day gave you.  Acknowledge what happened that you could be grateful for.  You could give thanks for your heath, your relationships.  A great way to attract more money is to be grateful for the money that you do have.

For more tips on how to build your self-worth  and grow your success contact me for a free consultation and don’t forget to connect with us on our social media!


Success Genie LLC.                   

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