Monday Musing: What Are You Putting First?

In August 10, 2010

Are you making time for what is important to you? This is a big issue for me because I am more comfortable being a human doing than a human being so putting myself first is a little bit of a challenge. Can you relate?

This summer I have been breaking the pattern.  The first step was having my Grandma Gracie up for the summer.  It has been wonderful to have her here on so many levels.  My relationship with my Gram is very special to me.  She has been my grams, my mom and my best friend for my whole life.  She is the cool chick with lot of life experience.   We are creating a lot of memories that we will both treasure and take with us on our journey of life.

Why am I sharing this today?  Because I don’t think I would have allowed myself to have this opportunity a few months ago.  I was too committed to being a doing and putting myself last.  I don’t think I am alone in that struggle.  I say struggle because even though I am doing it my mind constantly harasses me telling me I don’t have the time etc to do this right now and tries to guilt me into doing what is familiar.

Do you feel guilty putting yourself first?

The first step to saying yes to your success is putting yourself first.  With out you how well would your life work?  So today’s musing is a call out to you to do something new.  Put you on the top of your to do list and do something that is extra special for you.  Call your grams, go golfing, to the beach or walk with your special someone.

Do something special for you and success will be soon to follow.

Happy Musing,

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