Make Your Quirks Work

In July 15, 2019

Genie’s Gem: Make Your Quirks Work

Accept who you are and be grateful for your “Quirks”. They make you unique and desirable and they are what makes your success work.

When you find your self-judging who you are ask yourself

“Who Says This Is Wrong”

If you are messy accept it and if you think you are selfish so what?

Don’t like getting up early?… work your life around it.

Stop resisting.

Ask your self does this serve me?

If it serves you make it work….

What you or others call imperfections or obstacles I call Quirks.

If you have children or older parents embrace and accept that they are your priority. Find another time to get your work done instead of the traditional 9-5 schedule.

Don’t like breakfast foods eat dinner at

You are an adult and you can eat dessert first. 🙂

Stop using your circumstances as an excuse and instead…leverage the situation to serve you. Make your quirk work.

Let me know how it works….Believe and Receive

Come join me in my FREE Facebook Group Business Owners Growing to Seven Figures  

We will embrace your Quirks!

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