It is all about Focus

In February 8, 2010

Happy Monday!  Are you excited about the month of February?  What do you like best about it?  Do you like the holidays like Valentines’ Day Presidents Day, Lincoln and Washington’s Birthday?  There seems to be a lot of celebration going on in February, don’t you agree?  Well I am adding another event to the list…

Can you guess what I am calling February?

February is all about FOCUS!  In addition to all the chocolate, flowers, love and days off we will give and receive, I am inviting you to use focus to attract and receive what you deserve and desire.  I have already begun to manifest opportunities that I couldn’t imagine or see back in January.  It is like a whole new world.

Are you willing to join me?

Imagine if you just took a little time each day to stop and focus your mind on what you desire to receive?  Just a think about taking a moment here and there to release the worry about what you don’t want.  Would that feel good?  Wouldn’t it be cool to experience everything you need coming right to you as fast as a Fed Ex package?

You can, I do it all the time.

If you had control over your focus and you knew how to use it strategically to create more business, money, time for fun and resources would you take the time to do it?

Would you like to learn how?  I thought you would so I am extending a very special invitation to you.

This Thursday, February 11, 2010 at 7:30pm EST,

Angelus and I are holding a PREVIEW CALL to promote our upcoming three day event Unlock the Genie at the end of this month.  The last time I interviewed Angelus about the law of attraction we had a HUGE response so I have asked him to continue the conversation and GIVE AWAY some tips that we teach during our three day seminar.  You are encouraged to be on the call LIVE so you ask him directly how to use the LOA in your personal situation.  The call will be available for replay so even if you can’t attend live you will benefit by registering for the call.

Remember what you focus on you get.  Success is not about hocus pocus it is all about FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS!

Here is to Your Success.

Ps.  Leave a comment on what you will be focusing on in the month of February.

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