Is It Possible to Have Your Cake and Eat It Too?

In July 27, 2010

Today’s musing is about asking the question can we really have it all?  Is it possible to have our cake and eat it too?  I have found myself prey to scarcity minded thoughts of you can’t have that because, you can’t do that because, and let me tell you they are not very warm and friendly.  It is in these moments my genie training comes in handy.

I ask why not?  How can I?  What can I do right now to have what I desire?  These questions are helpful and what I have learned is this…..

You can have anything you truly desire but not everything you want.  If it is important you make time for it and if it not you don’t.

I am working with a great group of people in our summer boot camp and the hardest thing for them is to put themselves first.  They now realize their struggles are happening because they think everything else is more important than them.

Sound familiar?  I have another question for you?  How good will your life work with out you in it?  I think you see my point.  If anything is going to work it has to work for you first.

Remember that as you show up to your life this week.  Put you first and let the rest follow.    I welcome your thoughts and comments.

Happy Musing,

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