How Unplugged Are You On Fun Days?

Life Balance is much more of a challenge today than in the past due to the many avenues of technology we now
have at our fingertips. When you take time off for yourself, how unplugged are you?  Do you still answer your phone,
your texts, your facebook posts or your email?

UnplugIn today’s world our work life can easily be 24/7 if we want it to be so balancing work and personal time can be tricky. Once you make it known that you will answer your phone, your email or your text messages when you are not at work – it’s hard to go back to “NOT” being available.  But balancing your professional and personal life activities is really up to you.  How unplugged do you really want to be?  Totally unplugged would mean:

Turn off the TV
Put down the phone
Turn off the computer
And yes, even the tablet

How hard is that for you to do?  Have you ever done this?  Did you feel like you were in unchartered waters without
a life vest or did you feel free and content not to have phones ringing, texts beeping, etc?

Balancing your work and personal life is different for each person.  If you find yourself always tied to your phone/laptop etc. during your time off, is that really a balance?   If it’s not the balance you desire, it’s time to re-evaluate how commited you are to completely unplug for personal and family time.

If you are unsure how to have a successful career while maintaining a happy personal life in this fast moving high tech world, let Success Genie help you set priorities and goals that will allow you to have your cake and eat it too.


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