How to Surrender to Success

In April 26, 2009

I find it really interesting that in the midst of the major upheaval in my life I have been able to enjoy these warm days of Spring and be present to all the bounty around me. After attending three funerals in the past couple of months I can honestly say that saying goodbye really does suck.

Allowing myself to be honest about that and embrace it has opened up a new possibility for me. I am so excitedly shocked I wanted to share it with you. Today I spent the day sitting out in my sun room that is all glass enjoying the weather while working on my website for up coming programs. I also found the time to make 2 delicious meals for me and Angelus and eat breakfast. Over the past few weeks I have gone to the gym on a regular basis…(for those of you who know me that is a major shockwave in itself) I have enlisted with a coach to loose the 30lbs I have been holding on to for the past four years and I am creating and organizing systems in my house and business that I have resisted for years.

Who am I and where did the old me go….

In my sadness and grief I surrendered to success. Being forced to say goodbye to those who took care of me and were my “Amen” corner, I finally felt it was time to hang up the old habits that were creating my unfulfilled reality. I saw up close that life is too short and it is what you make of it.

One of the people who passed away was my Great Uncle Jim. He was only 74. He had overcome a major stroke 10 years ago and successfully battled lung cancer over five years ago. Last summer he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer and was told he would be lucky to make it to this summer. He had a goal of being at his grandson’s graduation in June…he didn’t make it. Why am I sharing this with you?

His attitude was amazing! He enjoyed this year traveling with his family, attending family events, playing poker with the guys, he LIVED his life! The last two weeks of his life were spent in the hospital and I saw him twice while he was there. He knew he wasn’t leaving the hospital alive and we talked about that. We joked about Great Grandpa having the shish kebabob on the grill waiting for him, and who specifically was going to greet him on the other side. We also talked about his life. He felt he caused this because years of smoking and now he felt bad he was leaving his daughters with so much to do alone. I asked him this question:  “Did you enjoy your life?”

He laughed with his famous devlish raspy chuckle that still infects my heart with joy, and said, Yeah, I did, We had fun. I said then that is all that matters. He agreed. I was lucky. I got to be with him and tell him all that he was to me and sat with him as he faced the biggest challenge we will all face one day. Saying good bye to our life. Uncle Jim had no regrets, and embraced death with humor and grace. In that moment I decided to live my life as he did. In saying good bye to the legend that was my uncle and my aunt I found my ability to surrender to success.

Here is what I did, If I can do it so can you:

Face Your Fear

Having people die and leave me is one of the biggest fears I have.

Being able to be honest about what you are afraid of and sit in the feelings that come up is amazingly freeing. What I have found out is that what you are willing to face erases and what you continue to resist persists.

Be open to the VOID

This is the place where most people miss out on success. You feel the void and your instinct is to fill it up with something…distractions, food, alchohol, TV, anything to not deal with the emptiness that is present. Stay open and trust that as one thing leaves something special is coming in it’s place. Success really is your birthright.

Remember the Universe is always working for your highest good.

Let Go and Walk Ahead

This is your life and only you get to live it. How you live it is totally up to you. Only when you are tired of controling every aspect of how you think things should be in your life will you be ready to let go of what isn’t working in your life. You cannot always control what happens but you can definitely control how you show up to it.

This has been the lesson that I learned in facing the passing of my beloved family members. I am experiencing a renewed commitment to my success and feel like I have turned a major corner in my ability to accept what I cannot change and take action on what I can.

I invite you to join me and be open to the success that awaits you in the void. Leave me a comment and share what you are waiting to let go of to receive your birthright.

Live in Abundance,


Ps. Look forward to my next post on “Marketing Monday”

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