How to Show Up to Success

In March 15, 2010

Happy Monday!

Today is my  Dad’s Birthday.

I need to call him and say thanks for being born and being my Dad.

I almost forgot it was Monday.  I have been so focused, it seems like I lost track of time.

Has that ever happened to you?  How did you handle it?

My just mind started in on me with a bunch of less than favorable judgments and I am saying  “thanks for sharing” and getting back into the flow .  Would you like to tell your mind to put a sock in it sometimes?

Happy Birthday Dad!, I will be calling you in a few minutes

Last week I spoke about the idea of starting fresh with all your learning’s and experiences in tow.

I am actually having fun with the idea of starting fresh.

Don’t you agree starting fresh feels a lot better than starting over AGAIN?

Have you taken some time this week to look around and see ALL that you have to be grateful for?

If you do I promise you will enjoy how you feel.

Last Thursday we kicked off our 29-challenge fr*ee program.

It was so nice to hear so many people excited to start fresh with me.

The biggest challenge that we spoke about is finding the time to show up to success.

We want to, we intend to but somehow things always seem to get in the way.

Have you noticed that life is ALWAYS gets in the way of our plans?

It always will since that is what we are here to do, Live and play in the game of LIFE!

Isn’t it funny that we complain and make excused about the one reason why we came into this world?

It is not really funny as it is frustrating.

My dad said it best when I was born:

“Kim” he said, “I was there when you were born and came into this world and after you came out I waited”…

I said “for what?”

His answer….”the directions, and when they didn’t arrive I had to punt.”

It was a very honest answer at a very frustrating time in my life.  I felt trapped and unhappy and frustrated because things were not going the way I thought they should.

Can you relate?

Starting fresh is about letting go of regret and results that no longer need to linger.  Showing up is all it takes to start fresh.  It sounds too simple to be true but it the secret to success.

You can play full out with us and join the 29 Challenge and learn every step but for now here are a few to get you started.




Be in the Now

The most difficult thing to get my clients to do is be present to what IS rather than what was.

Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not guaranteed, today is all you have.

Today is a blank check.  Today is tomorrow’s past.

You can rewrite your past by being present today and receive the gifts it has to offer.

Have you ever noticed that no matter how hard you worry things yesterday,

today always seems to work out?  Some how your needs always get met don’t they?

Focus on what you desire rather than your doubt

Do you realize that your mind is like a shark?

It always needs to be moving or thinking otherwise it ceases to exist.

Your mind is always focusing on something.  How about you choose what it focuses on?

What your mind focuses on becomes true for you.

Think about that…I am right aren’t I?  My words of wisdom is if you can’t beat’em ,join’em.

Focus on what you desire and ASK out loud every day until it comes to you.

If you really would like to take your personal power for a spin,

THANK the Universe every day for receiving what you desire.

My client who was freaking out over money did this and the next day it showed up.

The next day more that what he asked for came in a form he didn’t even expect.  How cool is that?

What will you ask for and focus on this week?

Face what you Fear

What is really holding you back?  It is not the economy or your job, your kids, or your to do’s.

I know you feel like it is but we both know the truth.

Where ever you go there you are….

Face the truth and let it set you free.

What ever it is a thought, belief, habit it can be transformed or released.

You just need to acknowledge it.

You cannot release what you are not willing to acknowledge.

Awareness is the key to be able to attract and receive success.

Let me know how these tips help you.  Leave a comment below.

If you are inspired to show up to success make today your first day, Join the 29 Challenge!

Declare Your Desire and Receive Success within the next 29 Days.

Enjoy Monday’s Musing


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