How to Restart Your Success

In June 8, 2011

restart your successAre you afraid that you are hearing the screeching halt of your success? Are you wondering why things that used to work aren’t making the grade? Do you find yourself imagining the worst of times even though in your heart of heart you can see your success yet it feels just out of reach?  If any of these symptoms explain your current situation take a breath. All that has happened is you have stepped out of what I call your success address.  There are 11 distractions that cause you to step out of alignment with what success requires.  Over the next few weeks I will be outlining each one.

Success Is Your Birthright

Five tips you can use right now to step into the flow and ride the tsunami of success waiting for you.


Know what you desire

There is a big difference between what you think you should have and what really makes you happy. Knowing the difference between your wants and desires will help you. Make a list of what you think you want and then ask yourself what you think that will bring you.  The answer to that question is what you really desire.  Focus on your desire and the feeling you desire to experience and it will begin to appear. Remember where your focus goes energy follows.

Own Where You Are

The biggest mistake you can make is being is denial about where you are.  Too many people confuse achieving success with thinking about success.  Positive thinking and visualization is important but in order to have what you desire and experience success you need to take the right action.  You need to be ready and realistic about your plan.  It is important to know where you are so you know where to begin. Creating and receiving success begins with your word.  Just like Superman gets his power from the sun, your true power comes from your word. Creating a realistic plan and taking baby steps are the quickest way to restart your success.

Do what is important rather than what is urgent

Distractions are the death of dreams. Don’t let your success be snuffed out. Keep your focus on what is truly important to you and your business success. The most important thing to do is put yourself first.  When you are feeling like you are on the merry-go-round of to-do’s ask yourself this question to get yourself on solid ground.  “How well would your life work if you are not in it.?”  Remember to keep things in this order of priority, You first, then people, then money then things.

Write things Down

Mary Kay Ash always said “the faintest ink is stronger than the best memory.” A thought is just a wish until it is backed by action. Writing things that you would like to happen on a piece of paper is the first step in making success come to you. Once it is written it is real. When you write things down you are telling the Universe you are ready to receive and it will begin to bring success to you.

Create Success By Reaching out to others – Ask for What You Need

Rome was not built in a day nor was it built by itself.  Growing your business is a on-going process. Get out of your head and into the life of others. Give to others what you are looking to receive. That is the fastest way to get what you want. Dale Carnegie said it best. “When you help enough people get what they want you will automatically get what you want. If you are ready to release your struggle, the answer is clear!

Once you get involved helping other people reach their success they become very interested in helping you get yours.  As you build your relationships ask for what you need.  Tell people what you are attempting to do.  They have resources to help you and since you have been such a support to them they will want to return the favor.

Implement these steps to restart your success and post your results at

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