I forgot to remember….

In January 25, 2010

This week I took a good look at my life, my year in review and faced the truth…I failed to do what I said I would do.  I had a plan, I had a strategy and it totally failed to deliver the results it was intended to bring me.  I have been suffocating from fear acting like a floundering catfish sucking up sand on the shoreline.

Finally facing the failure, saying O.K that didn’t work what’s next has plunged my fins back into the stream of success allowing me to finish what I started.  I lost my focus and it time to take back what is already mine.  I forgot to remember…

Failure is just feedback

Failure really doesn’t exist.  It is a symptom of expectation which I have been feasting on for the past year.  When you have an expectation something should look a certain way you cut off the possibilities to receive what you are asking for.

Go Back to the Beginning

Success is Your Birthright! You were born a success and you are successful just because you exist.  Any feeling to the contrary means a misalignment of your focus and strategy.  I spent the weekend going back to my roots and realized that I strayed away from the exact things that created my success in the first place.

Focus without Follow through is Futile

Hello, person in the mirror I am speaking to you….your genie’s magic is in focusing on what you desire while following through with consistent action that is in alignment with what you desire.  To go up you must show up

Make Your Quirks Work

Turn your circumstances into stepping stones rather than reasons to sit out of the game.  Work with what you got.  My gift is my voice, passion and sense of purpose.  It is also my curse and gets in my way sometimes.  You got what you got and you need to make is work for you.  Where there is a will there is a way.

My commitment is to get back to my roots and start speaking to you…my way.  I am done trying to figure out the right way to twitter, facebook, linkedin and blog. I am just going to say things my way they way I always have.  I am sure I am going to break a few eggs along the way but you are invited to breakfast…omelets anyone??????

What will you follow through on this year?

Will you make this your year to hit the ball out of the park?   Babe Ruth held the record for the most home runs but what you forget to remember is that he also held the record for the most strikeouts.  Let me know if you will make the commitment to run all the bases this year.

Leave a comment and share this with someone you know who forgot to remember.

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