beliefs about money

How To Create Your Six Figure Business

In November 13, 2015

How are you Creating Your Six Figure Business?

Are you using the economy, your clients or your level of knowledge to give you permission to create your six figure business?

sixfigureI can tell you that it’s NOT going to come from any of the above. There is only ONE place from which it comes…you.

Many service professionals are uninspired today because things have not shifted as quickly and easily as we had all hoped. However, that’s no reason not to use this opportunity to create more of what we want in our business.

“Getting” more clients isn’t always the best first step. The first step to get you moving so that you’re not waiting for permission is to “decide.” Now I know a lot of business owners say, “I make decisions every day.” I would suggest that they are of the “routine” type of decisions that do not require deep introspection and then action. That’s the kind of decision that needs to be made. Without it, nothing changes.

Let me illustrate this with a clear example.

Francis has a clear desire to create a 6-figure business. She has visualized the money going into her bank account. She sees how she can support more high-level clients. She gets excited about what she can do with the money that is now flowing into her business. And she feels good.

It’s not happening… Why?

Francis wants to create this business without going out to tell people who she is and what she does. She’s unwilling to create a way to stay in touch with people by collecting email addresses because she doesn’t want to research autoresponders. She’s willing to participate in program after program to learn, but she’s not implementing anything with her new knowledge. And when you ask Francis why she’s not seeing any new results – clients, income, freedom – all the things she wants this 6-figure business for, her response is, “I don’t think people will be interested in or will pay for what I offer.”

It’s too bad… She’s waiting for someone to tell her it’s ok, that she can move forward with her dream and create the 6-figure business she wants to have.

I’d like to, officially, give Francis and you the permission! It’s absolutely, ok! In fact, it’s mandatory. You’ve invested too much time, energy and money in acquiring all of this knowledge with the design to help someone. You must step up to the plate and take a swing at the opportunity and share what you know.

Three steps to permission and results

permissionTo get you started, here are three things you need to do immediately to acknowledge permission and get on with creating the 6-figure business you desire!

First, reflect on why you stepped into this exciting world of business ownership. Was it because you knew you had a talent, a gift you wanted to share with more people and you realized someone would pay you for it? Was it because you had that “little kid” inside of you jumping for joy each time you shared that gift and you said, “I want more, please.”

You need to tap into that side of yourself that takes you back to the spirit of why you jumped into your business. And yes, sometimes you’ll need to tap in daily, but don’t waste the gift of reflection to give you both conviction and the momentum.

Second, as easy and trivial as it may sound, you have to decide that it’s truly what you want. I know that many service professionals think, yeah, I’d love to have a 6-figure business, that’s for me! Well, no it may not be. It’s not for everyone. How do we know? Look around. How many consistent 6-figure business owners are there? Why aren’t there more of them? It’s because it requires that you not wait for permission, decide and take the initiative to create the 6-figure business you desire. No one will give it to you, many will help you, but it ultimately is your decision to make it happen.

successpathFinally, stop waiting for the “right” process, webinar, group, coach, and mentor to give you both the permission and the knowledge to get started. You likely know enough today to make it happen. It’s now up to you to “be” enough and get yourself on the path to success.

When you create a 6-figure business, you’re not working a lot more hours to create and sustain it – you just can’t. So that means you’re “doing/being” different than all the other service professionals, in order to have this kind of business.

Having spent time in rigorous educational systems and years in corporate organizational structures, I “get” the permission-based mentality. I can say that being in my own business required that I let go of it because it did not serve me to grow my business or help my clients.

So if you’re waiting for permission to have the 6-figure business that you want, then you’ll have no one to blame other than yourself when another year goes by and you are where you are.

However, if you’re ready to “Think Big…Play Bigger”(TM) then you will wait for no one’s permission and claim the 6-figure business that’s rightfully yours!

Chris Makell, marketing mentor/coach, is particularly skilled at guiding her clients to “Think Big…Play Bigger”(TM) to successfully create 6 & 7 figure businesses. Her clients include service professionals that include former corporate executives/leaders, coaches, consultants, or speakers.

© 2011 Radiance Marketing

Success Genie                                                                           (203) 345-0677

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