Happiness is Where the Heart Is

In February 15, 2010

I hope you had a great Valentine’s Day and treated your self as the special person that you are.

Valentine’s day for me came in a blend of romance and every day reality. Angelus and I woke up and spent the first day running errands and the latter part of the day enjoying the romantic holiday. While we were grocery shopping I realized how lucky I am and I experienced the true meaning of Valentine’s Day.

It is not about the roses, candy and gifts but it is about celebrating where you happiness comes from. Happiness is where your heart is. Your relationship with your self and those around you are the true gift and the source of your true wealth.

While I was shopping down the grocery isle, I spotted my husband looking at the roses and pondering with great attention. What is so romantic about this moment is that my husband doesn’t buy in to what he calls the “hype” of the holidays. He knows I enjoy the holidays and was willing to participate just for me. I felt so special, and told him I didn’t need the flowers. I already got my gift. I told him that I would enjoy receiving flowers another day. Now, please know I am not recommending this to any of you this is just our non-traditional way of doing things. The holiday is about celebrating love and doing thing for others in a way that means something to them.

Even though, the holiday is over, let’s keep the love going. Take time each day to do something special for yourself and reach out to someone you love, even if they are not your personal valentine and let them know what they mean to you.

In your business, you can do that through your marketing. Take the time this week to let your customers know how much they mean to you. Your success is created by you helping your customers. Without your customers you don’t have a business. The same thing is true about your relationships. With out the people in your life you don’t have one.

I want to thank you for my life and my successful business. You are a part of both and I would like to say THANK YOU for making my life something of great value and worth living.

Today I celebrate YOU!

Enjoy your Monday Musing,


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