Earthquakes, Riots and Movie Stars Oh, My!

In January 18, 2010

I have made a commitment to blog more often and share my thoughts so I came up with the idea of Monday Musings.  Simple thoughts created through out the week that I thought might be interesting to share.  Enjoy…..

After beginning last week with the earthquake in Haiti, hearing about the soap opera drama over the health care vote and ending the week with the golden globe awards, I have to share that I feel like I have been on one heck of an emotional roller coaster.

I find myself asking what all this has to do with me.  What does it all mean and where do I fit in?  How can I help and make a difference and how can this help me to be the kind of person I want to be for me and my family.

I think what comes to my mind is the quote from golden globe winner, James Cameron, director of the movie, Avatar.  (Great movie, by the way, I highly recommend you see it)

“We are all connected”  “You, me and the earth are all connected and are one”

That is the truth.  What is happening in Haiti is affecting each of us whether you know someone personally or not.  The loss is felt and reminds us to be grateful for what we do have.  Looking at those pictures of the rubble and families trying to dig out family and friends with bare hands really does give one an attitude adjustment.  It makes you see what is really important and show up to life in a different way.

The health care battle, well that is a little more complicated and for me trivial when I see what loss and destruction is on TV.  I just wish our leaders would stop posturing and deal with the core issues and resolve them. Yet I am grateful for the drama,  isn’t it nice that we can sit around our TV’s, computers, Capital hill to debate and complain.  Our houses are still in tack.  We have food in the fridge and access to medical care regardless if we can afford it our not.

I love watching movies and anything to do with the actors and directors who make them.  I love film and the glamor of Hollywood.  I saw martin Scorsese receive the Cecile B. DeMille Award and he was so humble.  Gratitude at it’s best.  He gave gratitude for all those who came before him and their ability to preserve our collective memories of the past on film and to his mentor’s ability to connect people in a special way so they could share an experience.  Martin and Cecile do that through film making and are quite extraordinary.  It makes me think what I can do in my small way to connect people and have you realize the power awe you possess.  What ever struggle you are facing today you have the power within yourself to release or overcome it.

Take a minute today to be grateful that you are safe and warm today.  That at the end of the day you will go home to those who love you and have a bed to rest from the stress of the day.  Many in Haiti don’t have that simple luxury today.  Money can’t bring back their loved ones or the lives they were living.

Take a moment to celebrate your greatness and contribution to your community and families.  Ask yourself what award you most would like to receive and be that person.  Take the time today to do that one thing that would make you feel like an honored celebrity who is recognized for their genius and contribution?  Share your greatness with the world today and give the best of you.

Just a Monday Musing…I hope you enjoyed it.

Tell me what person you choose to be and what you are most grateful for….Leave a comment and share how wonderful you are.

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