Do You Practice Being Grateful?

In November 15, 2015

gratititudeDo you take time every  day to be grateful for what you have?

Recognizing what you are grateful for has many benefits.  Just like brushing your teeth or exercising, you should take time every day to acknowledge the things you are grateful for. It can be a person in your life, your good health, or the roof over your head.  Gratitude also creates good feelings and positive energy instantly -and it’s completely free!

How to Practice Being Grateful

There are three stages of practicing being grateful.

  1. recognizing what we’re grateful for,
  2. acknowledging it, and
  3. appreciating it.

When we practice these three stages the following happens:

  • Gratitude puts situations into perspective. When we can see the good as well as the bad, it becomes more difficult to complain and stay stuck.
  • Gratitude helps us realize what we have. This can lessen our need for always wanting more.
  • Gratitude strengthens relationships, improves health, reduces stress, and, in general, makes us happier.

Gratitude-JournalCreate a Journal and practice being grateful on a daily basis.

Write down 5 things that you could be grateful for and 5 things that you did well today.

When things go wrong, say out loud at least 3 things that you could be grateful for about the situation.

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