Reese's Recovers

How To Recover From A Business Mishap

In January 12, 2016

How to Recover from a Service or Product Fail

Deliver, Deliver …oops…Recover?

We all talk about delivering good customer service but how many businesses have a plan in place when this service falls short?  Although Reese’s did not fail to provide good service their product fell short of client expectation during the Holiday Season.

Recover - ReesesThe traditional Reese’s peanut butter cup always is stocked on the shelves during Christmas shaped as a Christmas tree.  This year, however, the tree had a few hiccups and complaints came in.  Look how Reese’s responded.  Clever and effective!  Kudos to Reese’s!

Check out their story.

by Connie Kelley – Success Genie Assistant to Kim Kasparian

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