Why It is O.K to be a B.R.A.T.

In July 10, 2015

Why it’s OK to be a B.R.A.T.

OK to be a Brat

Do you remember what it was like to be a child?

So wide-eyed, innocent and pure in your beliefs?

Remember when society (or even your loved ones) began dumping on those beliefs and discouraging your dreams?

“Get your head out of the clouds!”

“It’s time to settle down and stop believing in fairy tales!”

“Life’s not all fun and games!”


Heck, the Rolling Stones, a pretty successful bunch of brats in their own right, the band conditioned a whole generation to believe; “You can’t always get what you want…” Because of statements like that the majority of society have bought into it.

So, what about the children who believe they are entitled to everything, feel they deserve it and focus on getting what they want pushing until they get it?

Society looks on them with disdain and brands those kids “spoiled brats.”

I’m here to tell you it’s okay to be a B.R.A.T. In fact, I encourage it.  Because kids can offer wonderful insights on how to become a master of your destiny and  success.

The B.R.A.T. Philosophy:


believe2It is your birthright to succeed. Believe it; it’s a Life Law. Because of that law you were born with innate desire.  That the B.R.A.T inside of you has access to self-esteem and equipment necessary to realize that desire.


receive2Be willing to receive success and let go of your expectations of how you THINK it should look.  Expectation is the killer of dreams. People are starving at their own banquet because they don’t recognize the bounty.  They say you they are hungry but you will only eat one type of food. So, you are being served an abundance of nutrition but, because it didn’t come in the form you are familiar with, you turn it away and then complain that the universe doesn’t come through.

Act: Action

The universe helps those who choose to help themselves. Therefore, you can’t just wave your magic wand and, whoosh – everything you desire magically appears. Positive expectancy is good; but you must be follow it up with focused, consistent action, in the direction of your desire.

A simple recipe to remember: Where attention goes, energy flows – forming thoughts that fuel action and create desired results.


Once you realize for yourself that being a B.R.A.T. is okay, be willing to teach others who desire to be a B.R.A.T. too because what you share with others comes back to you tenfold.

Let me know how you will embrace your inner B.R.A.T.

Find out your willingness to be a B.R.A.T. @ www.getyoursuccessscore.com


Success Genie, LLC                                           www.successgenie.com                              (203) 345-0677

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