Are You Willing To Join the Revolution?

In October 25, 2015

kimlookinginHello Success Genie Friends:

I hope my Success Genie community is enjoying the weekend and using it to spend time with family and friends.  

Here is a Sunday question for you to think about as you go through your day today.

Are you working on freeing yourself from anything this year?

What personal freedoms and expression are you creating with your freedom?

What are you willing to release to make room for more of what you desire and deserve?

Do you have a plan?

My plan is to create a “new” revolution.  I am beginning with myself.  Each day I am challenging myself to do something completely new.

last time2

It doesn’t matter what it is and it doesn’t have to be big or significant — just make sure it is something new for YOU.

  • Take a new route home,
  • Respond in a new way to an old problem,
  • Create a new habit,
  • Disconnect from all technology for an hour,
  • Go to a park and get on a swing (you may have done it before but it was a long time ago)
  • Call someone you haven’t seen or heard from in a long time,
  • Take a new community class (Spanish, Cooking, Sign Language)


We all know the definition of insanity right?

Doing the same thing over and over yet expecting different results.

So are you willing to join the revolution and do something different? 

I have something to help you.  Get my free report on the 11 reasons why you and my free mini coaching program on how to release your success stoppers so that you have room for what you desire and deserve.

Have A Great Sunday,


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