3 Ways to Achieve Success

In May 5, 2011

Success Is Your Birthright


You may have heard this somewhere before even if it was in a  fortune cookie at your favorite restaurant.  From my personal life experience I know this to be true.  It took a couple of serious knock downs to finally do what I am sharing with you but I am so glad I did and you will be to.  Let talk first about what stops you from doing what you love…Your “reasons”.  You know the “reasons” why you can’t.  You tell yourself you can’t do this BECAUSE…


  • I don’t have the time
  • I don’t have the money
  • I have kids/older parents to take care of
  • I need to get “this” done first then I can think of that
  • I am too old/to young
  • I have too much on my plate right now.


These REASONS prevent you from receiving success and enjoying the money your desire and deserve.

They are not necessary true but they are real to you and these circumstances have become the reasons you can’t rather than the WHY and reason you can.  They have now become your obstacles to your success.


The antidote or cure is to

Here is how:


Make a list of what is FUN for you.

It may have been a while since you have thought about fun never mind having some.  Fun is a powerful tool to create success. Make the list of 10 things that bring a smile to your face and joy to your heart.  Just making the list begins to build the energy that you require to create the success you seek.  Include on your list some small fun things and some large fun things.  So no matter what your budget or time restraints are you have something fun to do every day.

Commit 30-minutes a day to do something you enjoy.

Putting yourself first is the first step to achieving long lasting success.  You have 24 hours everyday and you deserve to enjoy 30 minutes of it.  The first thing I have my new clients do is make this list and spend their first week of coaching re-connecting with themselves and enjoying life.  This creates the motivation and commitment to achieve their bigger business goals.


Focus on What You are Good At.


Once you have created the adequate energy to show up to success you are ready to do what you do and do well.  The fastest way to create success is to focus on what you are good at.  People who do things well have a confidence that attracts success and the resources they require.  People invest in people who bring them value and have gifts they need.  Focusing on what you are good at and promoting your value dramatically increases the value for those around you and make you the “must have” they cannot do with out.


Doing what you love and focusing on what you are good at will allow you to achieve success and enjoy the journey.



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