
Success Is What Success Does

In January 11, 2016

I found this article that Kim wrote a few years ago that I thought was worth reposting; especially as we kick off the 2016 year.  

Hope you enjoy – Connie Kelley – Assistant to Kim Kasparian

forest gumpRemember in the movie Forest Gump the scene when Forest was little and he overheard people talking about him and how slow and stupid he was.

He asked his mother, “Mama, am I stupid?”

She looked at him and said “Forest, stupid is as stupid does” and he nodded and went on enjoying his life and became a very successful man in every way possible.

That made me think: could that be just as true with success?  The answer is yes!

b2b studentSo to get you motivated to take action here is a list of things successful people do; inspiration found and submitted by one of our Back to B.A.S.I.C.S. clients.

Remember success is as success does!

1. Successful people get out of bed in the morning. The one thing that separates them from everyone else is that they get up each morning ready to accomplish something. They don’t lie in bed bemoaning the drive or their next sales call or the next meeting, they wake up to take on the day.

2. Successful people learn. They read, they go to seminars, they take night classes, and they go to computer school; they learn, learn, and learn! Successful people understand the world is changing and they either change with it or get left behind.

3. Successful people expect more of themselves. They believe there are new worlds to conquer every day of the week. If they own their company they are looking to expand their products/services. If they are satisfied with their business they look to charitable work. Every day brings a new challenge and new possibility.exercise

4. Successful people exercise. They walk, they jog, they stretch, they lift weights, or scuba dive or ride horses or something, but they don’t sit around. Perhaps the most important aspect of life they understand is that you have to feel good and look good to succeed.

5. Successful people have little time for television. There are good programs now and then, but television should be the last thing, never the first, in your day. Watch it only when you have already achieved your goals for the day.

6. Successful people compliment others. You will rarely hear a successful person talk about his or her achievements. In fact, you will rarely hear a successful person talk about him or herself. Successful people understand that very few people find success without the help of others, and they value the help that you and others give them. Since they value you, they nurture you and if you will let them, they will help you be successful.

7. Successful people listen. A very wise man once remarked that we have two ears and one mouth because God wanted us to listen twice as much as we talk. None of us can learn a thing when we talk. Everything we learn comes from information we allow into our ears and our mind.

8. Successful people measure the possibilities. This is just a different way to say that successful people plan. They look at what they want to do, decide if it can be done, and then outline the steps to accomplish it.

measureYears ago I wondered how successful people always seem to know how to be successful; I thought they just woke up with brilliance and that was that. For example, I know a lady who decided she wanted to invest in real estate. She knew how much she had to invest but didn’t know where or when to begin so she first took a basic real estate course to understand the language, then she attended several specialized seminars until she determined her direction. Then she followed through.

Now everybody around her is mystified: how did she do it? Where did she find those properties? She was really lucky to get in at the right time… Luck had nothing to do with it, she had a plan. My students often try to jump ahead and do everything at once. There is a reason I break my program into specific assignments. The assignments force my students to develop a plan, to approach their goals realistically, and as you can see on the testimonials page, my students learn the value of planning.

9. Successful people expect more of you. Have you ever noticed that successful people never settle for less? When you mention something to them they ask questions; questions that often make you second guess yourself. Successful people have a difficult time understanding mediocrity, even more difficulty understanding why others settle for it.

10. Successful people make the effort. Everybody wants more, but very few are willing to Learningmake the sacrifice. Some years back I met a friend in Las Vegas. We were there for a three day trade show in our industry. I looked at it as three days to play; he looked at it as three days to learn. His schedule was full of workshops, seminars and meetings. My time was spent at shows, the tables and the bar.

When the show was over he returned to his business and became even more successful. I returned home with less than I had when I left. And by the way, he still found time for a show or two and had a great time. Success is no accident.

Seize the day and remember that Success is Your Birthright!


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