newyear 2016

What Do You Want in the New Year?

In December 28, 2015

New Year Holiday Tip # 5  – Declare What You Desire For the New Year

Today, I would like for you to spend some time really thinking about WHAT you would like to RECEIVE in the NEW YEAR.  Think about the end result not the means.

For example.  DON’T write down money….WRITE down WHAT you think the money would BRING you!

Please write down on a piece of paper:

* What would success look like?

* What would you have if you are living the life you love?

* What would you be doing?

* Who would you be doing it with?

* What support/resources are needed to do it?

This is really important because success is your birthright but if you never ask you never receive

Find out more how to attract success on our blog the Divine D’s of Success.


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