Stress during holiday

Reduce the Stress with a Holiday Data Dump

In December 19, 2015

What’s A Holiday Data Dump?

The weather may be delightful but your list of to do’s is mighty frightful.  The secret to keeping stress down is to get out of your head and into your heart.  The holidays can be very stressful but they are meant to be enjoyed and connect you with those you love.

That cannot haHoliday Stressppen if you are in your head.  For the holidays do a special Holiday Data Dump.

Shopping/Meals/Preparation/Gifts/Lists/Travel.  Anything related to your holiday experience get it all on paper and feel how much more relaxed you are.

Writing things down on paper makes you feel large and in charge rather than behind the eight ball or road kill under the bus.

Even the busiest person feels better when they do a data dump.

Check out my blog post on “how to get things done and stay on track” it is different than a regular to do list.

How to Get Things Done and Stay On Track

Kim Kasparian

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