The Divine D’s Of Success

In September 29, 2015

Dollars starts with a “D” and many people equate success with making a lot of money. But financial worth in most cases is merely a byproduct of success. More to the point, success is fulfilling your dreams… of wealth, health, peace, love and happiness. Dreams, coincidentally, also begins with a “D.” But why does the dream life seem so elusive when it is readily available to everyone? Well, it’s probably because those who are unsuccessful have been stuck on the ABCs of success… while the successful have mastered the Ds. Success is your Destiny… if you follow these Divine Ds:

Define It:

What is your personal definition of success? Not what society, your friends or your loved ones think. Be honest with yourself; forget about others’ perception of success and decide what it is to you. Your success is distinctly yours. Only you get to define it and design it! But if you don’t determine your definition of success, then you are deluding yourself into believing you’ll ever discover it.

Desire It:

Dig deep into your soul to uncover your true desires, not just your wants. Distinguish between the two; there’s a difference. Your wants are generally confined to frivolous things (like a new house, fancy car, or luxurious jewelry), when what you really desire may be security, freedom or to feel attractive. Your desires are rarely satisfied by your wants. But you’ll more than meet your wants if you fulfill your desires. Once again, be honest with yourself, detail your innermost desires and really, really dare to fulfill them. You’ll be well on your way to unimaginable success.

Deserve It:

Deem yourself worthy. Know that it’s your due! So many people get tripped up because of low self-esteem and self-limiting beliefs. We are all equal in Success’ eyes. You are just as deserving as the next person is. Remember: Success is Your Birthright. But it will never be yours until you devote yourself to this belief and demonstrate that you deserve it.

Declare it:

Shout it loud and proud from the rooftops, “I intend to be successful!” You’ll be amazed how the universal forces will work in your favor, if you put your dreams and desires on display. Divulge them, document them on paper, and make a decree to the heavens. Success wants to be called, so make your declaration!

Defy logic:

Trust me on this one. Once you share your dream and state your intention to achieve success, you will receive discouragement from those whom you may least suspect. Your friends and loved ones will doubt your abilities and your sanity. You may too. Your dreams of success may appear illogical or unobtainable; and those closest to you only want to protect you and keep you safe. Success isn’t safe; but it only appears daunting because you have to leave your safe dwelling to find it. So, dismiss the well-intended discouragement, detach from your pre-existing beliefs and defy logic. Depart your comfort zone with the trust of the inner knowing that success will be yours!

Devise your plan:

This is a critical step, but it’s one that most people leave undone. View success like building a durable house. You may have the best equipment and the most sophisticated tools, but without a well-defined plan or blueprint, your dwelling will be condemned even before you get a certificate of occupancy. By now you should have a clear picture of success, so develop a solid plan to achieve it. This is no time for shortcuts. Get direction from mentors and confidants. Be decisive, detailed and diligent. It’s your duty. Without a definite, concrete plan, your dream of success is just a wish.

Dare to do:

Be dedicated, disciplined and determined as you drive to Destination Success.

Don’t get stuck or give up. If you need help devising your plan, call or email me for a free consultation. (203) 345-0677 or

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