Who says you can’t go home…

This weekend I was in NY.  On Friday I went to my dance troupe’s 40th year anniversary, yhr Antranig Dance Ensemble.  I cannot believe it has been 10 years since I was a dancer.  For almost 4 years I spent at least 3 days aweek in NJ learning to do what I love and was part of an incredilble family.  Two weeks before we performed I lost my job and focused totally on the performance. Immediately after  I began the process of creating my  business.  It seems as if I blinked and 10 years have past.    What happened? A mortgage happened, bills to be paid happened, life got overwhelming.  I went from a me to a we and moved 30 minutes farther away.  I said it wasn’t important, that was the time of my life and now it is over.  I haven’t seen some of those people in 10 years and a few since my wedding day.

I thought I would just go and enjoy the evening, stay overnight and zoom back to CT no problem, check it off my list, pay tribute and move to my other to do’s, one of which was a  haircut at my mother-in-laws house on Saturday.  Being with everyone both past and present taught me it is never too late to come back home.  It was as if I never left.  Relationships picked up where I left them.  We stayed up til 3 in the morning and I got up early on Saturday.  Everyone came over to visit and I was like the “guest who came to dinner”.  I found myself saying I can stay one more hour, finally at 4pm I realized I had to leave if I was going to have my hair trimmed (it was driving me crazy).  Joyce said Leanna can cut your hair she is doing the girls hair tonight.  AMAZING…the Universe worked it all out.  It was confirmed  I needed to be with my Antranig Family.  We sat by the pool laughed, Gago had Carolyn and Harout practice a new dance  in the back yard that he created for the new show.  We watched the slide show of reunion pictures and laughed about old and new memories.

There is so much I could say about my weekend experience.  It was to amazing for words.  The most important thing and what I am most grateful for is that I have a feeling of connectedness and belonging that I haven’t experienced in 10 years.  My brothers and sisters are still here and I scaled my own wall of excuses that have kept me away.

What I am grateful for:

  • Going to the reunion
  • Spending quality time with my Antranig Family
  • Making time for myself to be nurtured
  • Finding Peace of Mind again
  • Releasing my need to do

What I did well:

  • Trusted the Universe
  • Walked through my anxiety
  • Allowed myself to have fun
  • Spent time with my family
  • Let go of worry

What did I miss:

  • My seven skills

What did I learn:

  • I wasn’t being honest with myself how important Antranig is to me and how much a part of the troupe I still am.  It needs to have a place in my life
  • I was in desperat5e need of fun and have not allowed myself the time or things that feed my spirit
  • Everything is in its order even though it doesn’t look like it to me.
  • Everything is working out and my needs are always met.

What is my most important to do’s for tomorrow

  • All my seven skills
  • Data Dump
  • Confirm the 20th
  • Create a marketing schedule
  • Outline the Weekend
  • Pay bills


  1. Mark Heminway says:


    Kinda interesting when the universe shine the light in our eyes so bright that we can’t ignore it anymore. Happy that you are reconnecting with the Dancer that you are.
