2012 Boot Camp Call Two – Beliefs

Hello Success Soldiers,


I was very impressed with your performance and ability to show up to the call and your success.


Please make sure you use the link I sent you to set up your personal id and password. IF after you create your password you can’t use that link to get into the page use the link below:


The website to access your members page is:http://successgenie.com/success-library/wp-login.php


Enter your id and password it will take you to the general boot camp area

Click on 2012 and you will have access to your member’s page.




  • Fill out the boot camp agreements and fax back to me at 203-306-3091
  • Do Data Dump of all your TO DO’s Want to Do’s /Should Do’s/Need to Do’s/Have to Do’s between now and the end of September.  Everything that is making your overwhelmed, anxious or making you procrastinate
  • Create a fun list of at least 10 activities to enjoy this summer
  • Complete a 90-Day Success Plan to the best of your ability and fax back to me for review and the number above
  • Declare who you would need to be to be able to receive what you are asking for:  Capable, Worthy, Open, Successful.  Choose your word and write it down as I AM…..Your Word
  • Three times a day practice looking in the mirror saying it 10 times out loud.  Record your reaction in your daily journal
  • Keep your boot camp commitments and be aware when you do not.  NO CRITICISM or JUDGEMENT just awareness.  This is a process you will transform as time goes on




  • This is how success is created.  You Declare it/You Become it/You Receive it.  It is not think about it/worry about it/whine about it.  Do this and if you do not feel better or hit resistance CALL ME OR ANGELUS immediately  Kim 203-345-0677  Angelus 203-645-1580.
  • Your current reality/experience is a reflection of your most powerful/current belief.  You may not even be aware of it but it is creating the results or lack there of you are experiencing.  Flip the belief change your reality and your ability to take action in the face of discomfort and desire.
  • THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO IN THE PROGRAM.  Make sure you do this BEFORE ANY flash in call.  It will reduce any mind frick that you are experiencing and empower you to get the most from the flash in.  If you forget I will tell you to hang up and do it then call me/us back
  • FLASH INS are meant to share success stories, share challenges to receive support and or a safe place to show up to when you are having a human moment.  Keep in mind these calls are privileges and do not confuse them with talk therapy.  We focus on actions, behaviors and attitudes.  Feelings are welcome but we do not analyze them.
  • Feelings and flash-ins are not to be used to defend, justify or blame your reality on others, the economy or your coaches.  Flash-ins are used for support and a non-judgmental mirror to help you respond to what you are creating. Be prepared to deal with the core issues not the symptoms.  We are here to help you discern the difference.
  •  Angelus and I stand for your success and to help you overcome your excuses, buts and becauses.  No matter how compelling it is we will not buy into the Beliefs that are causing you to forfeit your birthright.

Enjoy Yourself, Have Fun and SHOW UP to your success this week.  It is waiting for you


Your Success Sergeant,


Kim, Success Genie



Progress not Perfection

Being focused on my seven skills I had so much time on my hands I didn’t know what to do with myself.  I chose to spend time reconnecting with family on the phone and facebook.  I tweeted for a bit then I took the plunge.

I finally figured out how to import my database into linked in. Over 2000 names.  Alot of the emails are not working so now I have an other project but I was amazed at all the immediate responses and emails saying they were glad to hear from me.I also realized that I was actually taking action on one of my big rocks.  Imagine that.

Intention: Peace of Mind and triple my monthly income

What I am grateful for:

  • I am experiencing peace of mind
  • I am getting things done
  • I am taking action in the face of anxiety
  • I got to speak with my mom
  • So many people responded to my linkedin invitation

What did I learn:

  • I need to keep the consistency
  • It is about progress and I am making it

What did I miss:

  • exercise and declaration
  • follow up with complimentary coaching calls

Big Rocks

  • Respect the$
  • Fun
  • Networking/Marketing
  • Extreme Self Care
  • Relationships

Today’s 6 Most Important thing to do

  • 7 skills worksheet and action steps                                                     (EXTREME SELF CARE)
  • Follow up on Complimentary Coaching Call requests.                (RESPECT THE $)
  • Build Web Pages for University( Marketing)
  • Follow up with zip realty (Respect the $)
  • Coaching session with Karen and Laura (Respect the $)
  • Prepare for speaking engagement on Thursday ( Marketing)

Today Begins the Rest Of Your Life

Can you believe you made it through the first call?  Regardless if you brand new or a seasoned client you have taken a HUGE first step toward living the live you are asking for.  Right now your mind may be reeling with excitement or anxiety thinking is this REALLY possible.

The answer is an awesome YES!!  Actually it has already begun.  All you need to do is keep on showing up and doing your best to be present to what is unfolding before you.  To help you here is a recap of tonight’s call

  • Success IS Your Birthright
  • You create your experience and reality
  • You are responsible for your actions, thoughts, beliefs and feelings

The strategy of this program is:

FOCUS on your B.A.S.I.C.S

  • What you FOCUS on you get
  • BELIEF is either barriers or bridges to what you are asking for
  • ATTITUDE determines your altitude
  • SELF-ESTEEM is required to live the dream
  • INTEGRITY is who you are being and your success address
  • COMMITMENT is all about showing up to success
  • STRATEGY is the how you get there

How this Program works:

  • It is a mirror of what you are doing in your life
  • It is a place where you get to create anything you choose
  • It is a place where you can show up human
  • Experience what you learn
  • You are held accountable for what you do and don’t do

What you can count on from me:

  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Truth
  • Accountability
  • Customized Attention

What I Expect From You

  • You ability to “try on” new things
  • Willingness to be uncomfortable
  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Truth
  • Be Human
  • Do your assignments as given
  • Release your need to “understand” and experience what is being offered

All that is required this week is to complete your coaching orientation packet and fax it back to me at 203-345-0677.

I am so excited about you and your success.

Kim, Your Success Genie

Who says you can’t go home…

This weekend I was in NY.  On Friday I went to my dance troupe’s 40th year anniversary, yhr Antranig Dance Ensemble.  I cannot believe it has been 10 years since I was a dancer.  For almost 4 years I spent at least 3 days aweek in NJ learning to do what I love and was part of an incredilble family.  Two weeks before we performed I lost my job and focused totally on the performance. Immediately after  I began the process of creating my  business.  It seems as if I blinked and 10 years have past.    What happened? A mortgage happened, bills to be paid happened, life got overwhelming.  I went from a me to a we and moved 30 minutes farther away.  I said it wasn’t important, that was the time of my life and now it is over.  I haven’t seen some of those people in 10 years and a few since my wedding day.

I thought I would just go and enjoy the evening, stay overnight and zoom back to CT no problem, check it off my list, pay tribute and move to my other to do’s, one of which was a  haircut at my mother-in-laws house on Saturday.  Being with everyone both past and present taught me it is never too late to come back home.  It was as if I never left.  Relationships picked up where I left them.  We stayed up til 3 in the morning and I got up early on Saturday.  Everyone came over to visit and I was like the “guest who came to dinner”.  I found myself saying I can stay one more hour, finally at 4pm I realized I had to leave if I was going to have my hair trimmed (it was driving me crazy).  Joyce said Leanna can cut your hair she is doing the girls hair tonight.  AMAZING…the Universe worked it all out.  It was confirmed  I needed to be with my Antranig Family.  We sat by the pool laughed, Gago had Carolyn and Harout practice a new dance  in the back yard that he created for the new show.  We watched the slide show of reunion pictures and laughed about old and new memories.

There is so much I could say about my weekend experience.  It was to amazing for words.  The most important thing and what I am most grateful for is that I have a feeling of connectedness and belonging that I haven’t experienced in 10 years.  My brothers and sisters are still here and I scaled my own wall of excuses that have kept me away.

What I am grateful for:

  • Going to the reunion
  • Spending quality time with my Antranig Family
  • Making time for myself to be nurtured
  • Finding Peace of Mind again
  • Releasing my need to do

What I did well:

  • Trusted the Universe
  • Walked through my anxiety
  • Allowed myself to have fun
  • Spent time with my family
  • Let go of worry

What did I miss:

  • My seven skills

What did I learn:

  • I wasn’t being honest with myself how important Antranig is to me and how much a part of the troupe I still am.  It needs to have a place in my life
  • I was in desperat5e need of fun and have not allowed myself the time or things that feed my spirit
  • Everything is in its order even though it doesn’t look like it to me.
  • Everything is working out and my needs are always met.

What is my most important to do’s for tomorrow

  • All my seven skills
  • Data Dump
  • Confirm the 20th
  • Create a marketing schedule
  • Outline the Weekend
  • Pay bills

It is a process…

Today was an interesting day.  I began by speaking to a local Rotary club.  I was very honored to be invited to speak.  Not exactly my target market but my intention to hold speaking engagements was met.

I had my free intern here in the office to help continue my streamlining process.  It helps to have someone in the office because it forces me to organize and streamline things.  I can’t delegate what is not in order so it works.  I noticed my self esteem dropped and I was having physical moments of dread.   I think is was my energy contracting and realizing that some of my relationships as they stand don’t serve my intentions.  Letting go is big theme these days and I am becoming more present to every layer it is peeling away.

My peace of mind has waned but I find myself consciously re-creating it without panicking.  I feel something BIG in a good way is coming and everything is timely.  I am being asked to sit, restore and re-align with success and completely let go of how I think it should look.  I am getting better at actively asking and focusing on receiving.

What I am grateful for:

  • feeling better
  • my nap
  • my speaking engagement today
  • receiving checks in the mail that I forgot about
  • making progress on my systems

What I did Well:

  • Spoke at Rotary
  • Made my deposit
  • Got things accomplished with Daniel
  • Respected my energy level and took a nap
  • Held boot camp call

Big Rocks

  • Fun
  • Marketing/Networking
  • Respect the $
  • Relationships
  • ESC

6 Most Important Things to Do Today

  • 7 Skills
  • Speaking engagement
  • Boot Camp Call
  • Work with Daniel
  • Deposit
  • Announce Business Blue Print Aug 15,16 &22
  • Data Dump

What I missed:

  • Some of my 7 skills activities
  • Data Dump
  • Announcement

What did I learn:

  • My body has its way of reacting
  • I can choose my actions
  • I can accept my thoughts without attaching meaning to them
  • Everything will work out
  • My needs are met today.

I am back on track

I can hardly believe we are in the 4th day of August.  I barely can remember this last week.   The last thing I remember is holding the full-day workshop on Wednesday, collapsing that night and being lethargic ever since.  I realized last night that I have been on a cleanse that Angelus designed for me.  That would explain why I have been so tired.  This happens when your body is in desperate need of a cleanse. I could hardly get out of bed or think the past few days.  I feel much better today and actually can put two sentences together.  The saying that energy is everything is true.

I looked in my journal the last entry was the 28th.  I find it easier to write in my journal than on the computer.  I made the commitment to do it online so here is my recap and my renewed commitment to do it daily.

Things are not perfect yet and I can see where all the holes are in my energy and routines but I do have an underlying sense of calm and piece of mind.  Unusual for me when my life is one big  I don’t know at the moment.

I am truly walking in faith at the moment.  I am excited about what the future holds and glad the Big G is in charge.  I need a nap…it is only 9:15 in the morning.  I can’t wait for the energy to start to surge again.

What I am grateful for:

  • I overcame my Anxiety
  • Andrea
  • My attitude
  • My in-laws
  • Quiet time with Angelus
  • Kyra
  • My bills being paid
  • Extra paycheck this month
  • My mechanic Fred
  • I woke up feeling better
  • The new day
  • Spending time with friends
  • sleep
  • communicating with Angelus

What I did Well:

  • held my appointments even though I was walking into walls
  • followed my energy
  • let go of worry
  • accepted where I am
  • re-evaluated relationships
  • focused on the outcome
  • made follow up calls and created opportunities
  • Created money
  • moving forward
  • rebuilding my focus
  • getting honest with myself
  • cleaned my space
  • had fun with friends
  • respecting the money
  • Did my morning declarations

Big Rocks

  • Fun
  • Marketing/Networking
  • Respect the $
  • Relationships
  • ESC

6 Most Important Things to Do Today

  • 7 Skills
  • Coaching Calls
  • Prepare for tomorrow’s speaking engagement
  • Call to reschedule Daniel
  • Broadcast this months Business Planning Seminar
  • Make Deposit
  • Do a Data Dump to get back on track

What did I learn:

  • My energy is a mess.  Too low to achieve my goals
  • I am receiving my intention of letting go and stepping up
  • I live in anxiety
  • My life is not set up to receive what I am asking for
  • I am committed to something else and that is what I am creating
  • I am blessed and desiring success
  • I am in a word that is serving me but not my goal.
  • I need to focus on my energy to turn things around
  • I am open to a positive outcome

This is what I do…

I get off to a great start.  Get busy and forget about me and my ESC.  This past couple of days was jammed.  I had lots of scheduled things to do.  Saturday I crashed and didn’t feel well and enjoyed Sunday with guests, got some cleaning done and realized I hadn’t journaled in four days.

This is my self defeating habit.  I forget to put myself first and take care of me.

I am looking forward to beginning anew tomorrow morning.

Here is a recap of the past four days:

Intention: Peace of Mind and triple my monthly income

What I am grateful for:

  • People are still connecting with me on Linked in
  • My new prospects
  • My mechanic
  • Adding value to peoples lives
  • my friends and relationships
  • relaxing on saturday
  • my house being clean
  • starting a new chapter in my life
  • people responding to my help request on FB
  • My new programs
  • Setting new goals
  • Awaiting all the good things coming
  • my husband and our ability to connect witheach other
  • the food in my fridge
  • my commitment to save money
  • financial freedom
  • the guest room’s new look
  • being clutter free
  • people offering to help me grow my business
  • my peace of mind

What did I learn:

  • I have much more peace of mind this time even though I can’t see the bridge to walk across.
  • I am letting go anyway and staying calm.
  • I also need to keep the morning for my to dos.
  • Nothing will change for me until I have that routine down rock solid.
  • I have to trust that 4 hours of concentrated work will be more valuable than working without putting myself first.

What did I miss:

  • exercise and declaration
  • follow up with complimentary coaching calls
  • keeping my journal and seven skills

Big Rocks

  • Respect the$
  • Fun
  • Networking/Marketing
  • Extreme Self Care
  • Relationships

Tomorrow’s 6 Most Important thing to do

  • 7 skills worksheet and action steps                                                     (EXTREME SELF CARE)
  • Follow up on Complimentary Coaching Call requests.                (RESPECT THE $)
  • Build Web Pages for University( Marketing)
  • Follow up with zip realty (Respect the $)
  • Pay bills and call creditors for info (Respect the $)
  • Last call for Wednesday ( Marketing)
  • Reschedule Daniel
  • Confirm mom’s therapy with Karen

What I got done over the past 4 days

  • Morning meditations
  • Took Mom to Therapy
  • Dropped of Ang’s car to be fixed and picked it up
  • Held speaking engagement
  • Sushi with Sushi sisters
  • Took father-in-law shopping
  • Met with Andrea for weekly meeting
  • Held meeting with Rob and Angelus
  • Got some rest
  • cleaned and decluttered
  • cut my hair and took some personal time
  • held flash in calls
  • wrote articles and created broadcast emails
  • connected with friends
  • cooked meals
  • stayed calm and let go of the need to control things
  • ran errands
  • wrote in my journal
  • reconnected with people through linkedin and FB

Why do things always work out better than you can imagine

The day started right on track and then at 1:00pm I realized I didn’t have phone service, internet service or cable service.  Mis- communication with Cablevision when we transferred service into one account.  Then with all my contacts responding to my invitation to join me on Linkedin I hear people cannot access my site.

Talk about a reversal of fortune with the technology.  Well my mind went into overdrive about the tragedy of the situation and how I was doomed to suffer.  My mind then went on to stress about my car that needed a new muffler system and how because of the cable guy I wouldn’t be able to pick it up.

Isn’t it funny how your minds thinks in either or situations.

Here is what happened.

The cable rep assured me that because all services were out someone was SURE to come today to respond.  He did.

My mechanic called me and gave me a GREAT price on ALL the work he did on the car and he even buffed the paint job he did for me a few months ago out and my car looks sooooo good.  My old girl feels and looks pretty.  What I paid is a drop in the bucket compared to committing to a new car payment which is something I do not choose at the moment.

I got to pick up the car and drop off Angelus car for minor repair so I didn’t have to sacrifice my access to the internet and ability to use my phone.  I had some quiet time without TV which is a rarity for me, was  able to cook dinner achieve my goals and get on the call.

Why is it that EVERYTHING works out better than you and I can possibly imagine….

Intention: Peace of Mind and triple my monthly income

What I am grateful for:

  • I took action and connected with people on Linked in
  • my clients and students
  • My car is fixed
  • The call tonight
  • Testimonials I received today

What did I learn:

  • I need to keep my focus on my desired outcomes
  • Everything works out

What did I miss:

  • exercise and declaration
  • follow up with complimentary coaching calls

Big Rocks

  • Respect the$
  • Fun
  • Networking/Marketing
  • Extreme Self Care
  • Relationships

Today’s 6 Most Important thing to do

  • 7 skills worksheet and action steps                                                     (EXTREME SELF CARE)
  • Follow up on Complimentary Coaching Call requests.                (RESPECT THE $)
  • Build Web Pages for University( Marketing)
  • Follow up with zip realty (Respect the $)
  • Coaching session with Karen and Laura (Respect the $)
  • Prepare for speaking engagement on Thursday and the call tonight ( Marketing)

Q & A for Week One and Two

I received some great questions this week and those of you who reached out did a great job being aware of how your story has been creating your experience.

How do I find the core issue that created my story?

Trust yourself to go back in your memory to a time in childhood where the core issue happened.  It doesn’t have to be a traumatic event just significant where you added meaning to an event.

You will remember the story first.  Do your best to write down the event.  What happened.  Distance yourself from the meaning your mind assigned to the event.

Once you can see just what happened then look at or remember the meaning that was assigned to the event.

Stay present to that and see it is the meaning that created the experience you are struggling with now.  Taking responsibility for adding that meaning and taking a look at other meanings possible will release you from the story.

What do I intend or focus on?

You focus on the end the outcome of the goal you are trying to reach.

Your mind feels more comfortable focusing on the goal or the steps.  It can’t wrap itself around the feeling you are desiring to experience.

When you find yourself thinking you have to DO something to receive your desire you are not focused on the outcome.  You are not using attraction technology.  You are stuck in your mind.

  • Refocus by declaring your desired feeling/state of being
  • Try it on and step into the feeling
  • See, hear, feel what is available in that state of being
  • Complete one action step in alignment  with that feeling.  In otherwords  take one action step that you would if you believed you really had that feeling in your life right now.
Post Your Question

Post your boot camp question below and I will be happy to answer it for you.

The Work Begins

Today it was raining, not my best weather for performance.  I seem to be connecting with old friends over the past two weeks.  People from highschool.  I finally connected with Simone, Joyce and Jason.  I am amazed how my overwhelm has completely disconnected my from the relationships I value most.  My awareness has motivated me to go to the next level.

I have this overwhelming urge to my house which must mean something big is coming or I am experiencing a major shift and need to clear the energy.

I am always uncomfortable in the beginning of growth.  I expect big things from myself and I forget even I need to walk before I can run.

What I am grateful for:

  • I am experiencing peace of mind
  • I am focused
  • Holding the preview call last night
  • I feel pretty
  • Speaking with Joyce

What did I learn:

  • I need to keep the consistency
  • I have a lot of anxiety and without it I am not sure what to do

What did I miss:

  • completing the 7 skills
  • follow up with complimentary coaching calls
  • Mark’s agreement

Big Rocks

  • Respect the$
  • Fun
  • Networking/Marketing
  • Extreme Self Care
  • Relationships

Today’s 6 Most Important thing to do

  • 7 skills worksheet and action steps                                                     (EXTREME SELF CARE)
  • Follow up on Complimentary Coaching Call requests.                (RESPECT THE $)
  • Create and send Mark the Success University Agreement                   (RELATIONSHIPS?RESPECT THE $)
  • Drop off Car                           (ESC/Respect the $)
  • Build Web Pages for University( Marketing)
  • Follow up with zip realty (Respect the $)

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