The Work Begins

Today it was raining, not my best weather for performance.  I seem to be connecting with old friends over the past two weeks.  People from highschool.  I finally connected with Simone, Joyce and Jason.  I am amazed how my overwhelm has completely disconnected my from the relationships I value most.  My awareness has motivated me to go to the next level.

I have this overwhelming urge to my house which must mean something big is coming or I am experiencing a major shift and need to clear the energy.

I am always uncomfortable in the beginning of growth.  I expect big things from myself and I forget even I need to walk before I can run.

What I am grateful for:

  • I am experiencing peace of mind
  • I am focused
  • Holding the preview call last night
  • I feel pretty
  • Speaking with Joyce

What did I learn:

  • I need to keep the consistency
  • I have a lot of anxiety and without it I am not sure what to do

What did I miss:

  • completing the 7 skills
  • follow up with complimentary coaching calls
  • Mark’s agreement

Big Rocks

  • Respect the$
  • Fun
  • Networking/Marketing
  • Extreme Self Care
  • Relationships

Today’s 6 Most Important thing to do

  • 7 skills worksheet and action steps                                                     (EXTREME SELF CARE)
  • Follow up on Complimentary Coaching Call requests.                (RESPECT THE $)
  • Create and send Mark the Success University Agreement                   (RELATIONSHIPS?RESPECT THE $)
  • Drop off Car                           (ESC/Respect the $)
  • Build Web Pages for University( Marketing)
  • Follow up with zip realty (Respect the $)

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Keep it going

The weekend was good.  I actually made time to relax and enjoy it rather than fool myself that working on the computer or doing something else is growing my business.  Balance is where it is at.  I had so much fun that I didn’t realize I didn’t do my journal.  So today I will double up to catch up.

What I am grateful for:

  • Slept in on Sat and Sunday
  • the beautiful two days
  • I was able to help Ang with his project
  • I got my hair trimmed
  • Put groceries in the house
  • Saw Rebeca and the twins
  • experiencing balance
  • releasing worry
  • quality time alone with Ang
  • Time to visit parents in law

What did I do well:

  • visited parents
  • enjoyed the weekend
  • left my cellphone at home
  • went grocery shopping
  • attended Rebeca’s twins b-day party
  • stayed focused
  • went to bed early on Sunday
  • spent time relaxing
  • spent time with in-laws
  • accepted a speaking engagement

What did I learn:

  • My needs are always met
  • It feels good not to worry
  • All will find a way to work out
  • It is O.K to relax and take time off
  • there is power in keeping commitments
  • Food in the fridge makes me feel good
  • I need to get up first thing in the morning to do my seven skills
  • I need to allow myself to receive
  • I need to go back to the gym
  • I need to promote events earlier

What did I miss:

  • 7 skills worksheet and action steps
  • Follow up on Complimentary Coaching Call requests.

Big Rocks

  • Respect the$
  • Fun
  • Networking/Marketing
  • Extreme Self Care
  • Relationships

Today’s 6 Most Important thing to do

  • 7 skills worksheet and action steps                                                     (EXTREME SELF CARE)
  • Follow up on Complimentary Coaching Call requests.                (RESPECT THE $)
  • Create and send Mark the Success University Agreement                   (RELATIONSHIPS?RESPECT THE $)
  • Send out blast to remind people of Free Preview Call tonight and hold call at 7pm                           (Marketing)
  • Take Mom Perez to Doctor at 1:30pm  (Relationship)
  • Return the cablevision modem (Respect the $)

Rolling with the Punches

I have been on a roll the past few days feeling good getting my to do’s done.  Flying pretty high.  So high I forget I am in the game of life and in this game it is always somthing that is going to punch you unexpectedly.  It is how you roll with it that makes life so wonderful or a bowl full of pits.  You have to learn how to roll with the punches.  The way me and my family roll makes me chuckle.  Here is what happened yesterday.

I work up early had a great start.  Anita and I held our weekly Friday coaching exchange   and then joined the sushi sisters at Wasabi’s.  It was great to have Anita be able to enjoy us.  Then I flew to pick up my mother-in-law for her PT appointment at Karen’s office.  Ran some errands while she was in Physical Therapy, pick up dinner for Ang since I would be taking mom shopping after.  Checked emails got a few more unexpected registrations, kissed the hubby and my cat and went to pick up mom Perez….All good stuff.

While we are in Kmart, Mom Perez hasn’t been there in ages. my phone rings (not unusual) and it is my Mom.  Now I have to say I love my Mom and my family but when I comes to communication I don’t really know how I came out of this family.  LOL  She asks me what are you doing?  I said shopping with Mom Perez.  She say tell her I said hello.

I said ok.  She then asks me non-challantly did I tell you Aunt Lorraine died?  As my jaw hits the floor in the middle of the jewlery section of KMART I shout WHAT?  No, you didn’t.  She said yeah she died a couple of days ago and Stephanie and Lisa are here visiting.  Do you want to say hello?  Did I forget to say I was in the middle of KMART?

Who is Aunt Lorraine, you are probably thinking?  Aunt Lorraine one of my mom’s oldest and dearest life-long friends.  They went to grammar school together and raised us kids together and she is one of the most special people in our lives.  The few memories of my childhood include here the girls and the times we were camping together, having sleep overs together and the first time I really did someting out of the box and got in trouble for being caught where I shouldn’t have been.  Her daughter Stephanie was like me book smart and overly responsible but more willing to break the rules now and again.  Aunt Lorraine was a salt of the earth person who didn’t have much in the way of material assests but gave of herself in a way that your experience of her was like being in the presence of a rare jewel.

In the middle of KMART I spoke with my cousins, Stephanie and Lisa who just lost their mom.  It was sudden and unexpected and we reconnected like the years between our lack of personal communciation never existed.

I  said I am so glad you are there with my Mom.  If the situations were reveresed  your mom would have been my first place to go for comfort and security too.  They understood.  The good news is although though a sad event.  We are all reconnected and live will go on in memory and tribute to aunt.

Once again this year I am faced with grief over loosing another TITAN in my life.  Another person that shaped my world and gave me wings to fly.  All I can hang on to is gratitude and laughter that my family is a living comedy show that is like a 7/11 when it comes to love, compassion and the ever lacking ability to communicate in a way that life’s major happenings don’t get reported or received while in the middle of a shopping event.

What can I say, it is all about acceptance and rolling with the punches.

It all worked out well.  Mom and I met up with Ang and Pop Perez and we spent the evening together.  When one door closes and other opens.  Thank goodness I have a lot of “Moms”  They always no how to make it feel better.

What I am grateful for:

  • My coaching session with Anita (we changes rooms around and I feel so much better)
  • Requests to join my programs from people who attended my preview calls and programs
  • Calls that I received telling me the value that I create for them just by being
  • My cousins and I personally reconnected
  • All my “Moms”

What did I do well:

  • Sessions with Anita
  • Helped my other client solve an issue
  • Took my mom to PT and took her shopping
  • Responded to the orders/requests I recieved
  • Followed up with Fred (I missed him, c/b on Monday)

What did I learn:

  • My needs are always met
  • There will always be something to deal with
  • I can experience balance no matter the circumstances
  • It feels good not to worry
  • All will find a way to work out

What did I miss:

  • 7 skills worksheet and action steps
  • Follow up on Complimentary Coaching Call requests.
  • send check out as promised
  • Send out blast for Free Preview Call on Monday

Big Rocks

  • Respect the$
  • Fun
  • Networking/Marketing
  • Extreme Self Care
  • Relationships

Today’s 6 Most Important thing to do

  • 7 skills worksheet and action steps                                                     (EXTREME SELF CARE)
  • Follow up on Complimentary Coaching Call requests.                (RESPECT THE $)
  • send check out as promised                                                                     (RELATIONSHIPS?RESPECT THE $)
  • Send out blast for Free Preview Call on Monday                             (Marketing)
  • Grocery Shopping and Pick up gift for tomorrow’s party and Evan’s graduation  (Relationship/Fun)

I feel good

I accomplished alot today and the day is not over yet.  I am still experiencing mind frick but at least now I am just aware of it.  Had some great accountability meetings, check in phone calls and a great coaching call with a client. I even reconnected with friends and family.  I think balancemight be happening in my life…YEAHHHHHHHH!
I still have alot to do especially following up with the Unlock the Genie participants.  I can’t believe a week has gone by and I need to begin to promote the September calendar.I was present to the beautiful weather and found time to enjoy it.  I am feel at peace with myself today. What I did well:

  • Held coaching call
  • Met with Andrea for our meeting
  • Made follow up calls
  • Remembered to eat
  • Taking time to relax

What I am grateful for:

  • The ability to start over
  • Kyra (she was extra cute today)
  • The great feedback from the call
  • That I have value
  • I feel calm

Big Rocks

  • Respect the$
  • Fun
  • Networking
  • Marketing
  • Relationships

Today’s 6 Most Important thing to do

  • Coaching Call with Tom
  • Meeting with Andrea
  • 7 Skills and Journal
  • Call Mom Perez to tell her about PT on Friday.
  • Call Fred to schedule car
  • Follow up on Complimentary Coaching Call requests.

What i missed:

  • call Fred about the car
  • follow up with ccc requests
  • 7 skills journal sheet (will do tonight)
  • Success Declarations, Meditation, Exercise

What I learned:

I really need to commit my mornings to the 7 skills worksheet.  Once the day starts it takes on a life of its own

Tomorrow To-Do’s

  • Morning coaching with Anita
  • Sushi Sisters Lunch
  • Mom Perez physical therapy and visit with in-laws
  • send check out as promised
  • follow up with ccc requests
  • send out blast about Mondays preview call

Today is the begining

I am really excited about today.

I can hardly believe Success Boot Camp  is really here.

I  am looking forward to boot camp because I can use it to re-instill the habits and thoughts that created this business.  I have had alot of truth to face over the past year about where I am creating my own struggles and where I am holding on to the past.  I have been struggling with fear and doubt to the point where I have created a low level depression that on some days kicks my butt worse that Rocky Balboa.

My intention during boot camp is be free and in my integrity.  Doing so will allow me to experience peace of mind and the ability to feel capable.

My circumstance is that I have been achieving all that I have in the space of “I am incapable.”

In the space of incapable I feel I should be happy with what I have because where I am wasn’t even suppose d to be possible.  Some how it excuses my of the responsibility to be who I am.   My issue with commitment and time  is creating a sense of complacency and proving my worst fear to be my reality.

The fear that no matter how much I do or how hard I try I cannot escape my past and no matter how successful I am or help others I am doomed to struggle.  I feel insecure and unable to respond.  Sometimes the fear is so palpable I can’t breathe.

My commitment is to be consistent with my seven skills and re-experience the magic that I share with others when I have them do them.  I am willing to face my fear that what I teach only works for others and not for me.  I realize that is my excuse not to move forward.

I am willing to face my fear that showing that I am human to my students means I will diminish my ability to be seen as successful and I will look like the looser my mind tells me I am.

What I am grateful that:

  • I have my mom to kick me out of my funks
  • I felt good about myself today
  • I held boot camp orientation
  • My assistant came today
  • I took the time for me today

What I did well:

  • I returned phone calls that were becoming energy drains
  • I met with Sheila and Andrea and moved forward with Educate at Eight stuff
  • I held complimentary coaching calls today
  • I downloaded the orientation call immediately after class and created the membership site.  (Great Progress)
  • I remembered to eat even through I was running behind and all worked out.

My Five Big Rocks:

  • Networking
  • Marketing
  • Fun
  • My Relationships
  • Respect the Money

6 Most Important things to do tomorrow

  • Coaching Call with Tom
  • Meeting with Andrea
  • 7 Skills and Journa
  • Call Mom Perez to tell her about PT on Friday.
  • Call Fred to schedule car
  • Follow up on Complimentary Coaching Call requests.

What I missed today:

  • Meditation
  • Success Declarations
  • Breakfast
  • Getting to bed by 11pm
  • Having my 7 skills done in the morning.

What did I learn:

I have alot to do to get back on track and I am whole complete and perfect even thought the way my life currently functions is not.