Today Begins the Rest Of Your Life

Can you believe you made it through the first call?  Regardless if you brand new or a seasoned client you have taken a HUGE first step toward living the live you are asking for.  Right now your mind may be reeling with excitement or anxiety thinking is this REALLY possible.

The answer is an awesome YES!!  Actually it has already begun.  All you need to do is keep on showing up and doing your best to be present to what is unfolding before you.  To help you here is a recap of tonight’s call

  • Success IS Your Birthright
  • You create your experience and reality
  • You are responsible for your actions, thoughts, beliefs and feelings

The strategy of this program is:

FOCUS on your B.A.S.I.C.S

  • What you FOCUS on you get
  • BELIEF is either barriers or bridges to what you are asking for
  • ATTITUDE determines your altitude
  • SELF-ESTEEM is required to live the dream
  • INTEGRITY is who you are being and your success address
  • COMMITMENT is all about showing up to success
  • STRATEGY is the how you get there

How this Program works:

  • It is a mirror of what you are doing in your life
  • It is a place where you get to create anything you choose
  • It is a place where you can show up human
  • Experience what you learn
  • You are held accountable for what you do and don’t do

What you can count on from me:

  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Truth
  • Accountability
  • Customized Attention

What I Expect From You

  • You ability to “try on” new things
  • Willingness to be uncomfortable
  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Truth
  • Be Human
  • Do your assignments as given
  • Release your need to “understand” and experience what is being offered

All that is required this week is to complete your coaching orientation packet and fax it back to me at 203-345-0677.

I am so excited about you and your success.

Kim, Your Success Genie