Q & A for Week One and Two

I received some great questions this week and those of you who reached out did a great job being aware of how your story has been creating your experience.

How do I find the core issue that created my story?

Trust yourself to go back in your memory to a time in childhood where the core issue happened.  It doesn’t have to be a traumatic event just significant where you added meaning to an event.

You will remember the story first.  Do your best to write down the event.  What happened.  Distance yourself from the meaning your mind assigned to the event.

Once you can see just what happened then look at or remember the meaning that was assigned to the event.

Stay present to that and see it is the meaning that created the experience you are struggling with now.  Taking responsibility for adding that meaning and taking a look at other meanings possible will release you from the story.

What do I intend or focus on?

You focus on the end the outcome of the goal you are trying to reach.

Your mind feels more comfortable focusing on the goal or the steps.  It can’t wrap itself around the feeling you are desiring to experience.

When you find yourself thinking you have to DO something to receive your desire you are not focused on the outcome.  You are not using attraction technology.  You are stuck in your mind.

  • Refocus by declaring your desired feeling/state of being
  • Try it on and step into the feeling
  • See, hear, feel what is available in that state of being
  • Complete one action step in alignment  with that feeling.  In otherwords  take one action step that you would if you believed you really had that feeling in your life right now.
Post Your Question

Post your boot camp question below and I will be happy to answer it for you.


  1. Natalie says:

    Hi Kim,

    My week since the first call has been wonderful. I feel like I’m operating on another level. A more focused, productive, and peaceful level.
    I know peace is not the state of mind normally used to describe an entrepreneur, but that’s what I feel.

    I’ve taken on my desire to be a successful business woman and that has brought me peace of mind because its no longer something I’m working towards.

    I look forward to our class tonight.

  2. I am so happy to hear this Natalie. I am so glad you are with us in boot camp. I look forward to hearing more about your progress.
