I am really excited about today.
I can hardly believe Success Boot Camp is really here.
I am looking forward to boot camp because I can use it to re-instill the habits and thoughts that created this business. I have had alot of truth to face over the past year about where I am creating my own struggles and where I am holding on to the past. I have been struggling with fear and doubt to the point where I have created a low level depression that on some days kicks my butt worse that Rocky Balboa.
My intention during boot camp is be free and in my integrity. Doing so will allow me to experience peace of mind and the ability to feel capable.
My circumstance is that I have been achieving all that I have in the space of “I am incapable.”
In the space of incapable I feel I should be happy with what I have because where I am wasn’t even suppose d to be possible. Some how it excuses my of the responsibility to be who I am. My issue with commitment and time is creating a sense of complacency and proving my worst fear to be my reality.
The fear that no matter how much I do or how hard I try I cannot escape my past and no matter how successful I am or help others I am doomed to struggle. I feel insecure and unable to respond. Sometimes the fear is so palpable I can’t breathe.
My commitment is to be consistent with my seven skills and re-experience the magic that I share with others when I have them do them. I am willing to face my fear that what I teach only works for others and not for me. I realize that is my excuse not to move forward.
I am willing to face my fear that showing that I am human to my students means I will diminish my ability to be seen as successful and I will look like the looser my mind tells me I am.
What I am grateful that:
- I have my mom to kick me out of my funks
- I felt good about myself today
- I held boot camp orientation
- My assistant came today
- I took the time for me today
What I did well:
- I returned phone calls that were becoming energy drains
- I met with Sheila and Andrea and moved forward with Educate at Eight stuff
- I held complimentary coaching calls today
- I downloaded the orientation call immediately after class and created the membership site. (Great Progress)
- I remembered to eat even through I was running behind and all worked out.
My Five Big Rocks:
- Networking
- Marketing
- Fun
- My Relationships
- Respect the Money
6 Most Important things to do tomorrow
- Coaching Call with Tom
- Meeting with Andrea
- 7 Skills and Journa
- Call Mom Perez to tell her about PT on Friday.
- Call Fred to schedule car
- Follow up on Complimentary Coaching Call requests.
What I missed today:
- Meditation
- Success Declarations
- Breakfast
- Getting to bed by 11pm
- Having my 7 skills done in the morning.
What did I learn:
I have alot to do to get back on track and I am whole complete and perfect even thought the way my life currently functions is not.