2012 Boot Camp Call Two – Beliefs

Hello Success Soldiers,


I was very impressed with your performance and ability to show up to the call and your success.


Please make sure you use the link I sent you to set up your personal id and password. IF after you create your password you can’t use that link to get into the page use the link below:


The website to access your members page is:http://successgenie.com/success-library/wp-login.php


Enter your id and password it will take you to the general boot camp area

Click on 2012 and you will have access to your member’s page.




  • Fill out the boot camp agreements and fax back to me at 203-306-3091
  • Do Data Dump of all your TO DO’s Want to Do’s /Should Do’s/Need to Do’s/Have to Do’s between now and the end of September.  Everything that is making your overwhelmed, anxious or making you procrastinate
  • Create a fun list of at least 10 activities to enjoy this summer
  • Complete a 90-Day Success Plan to the best of your ability and fax back to me for review and the number above
  • Declare who you would need to be to be able to receive what you are asking for:  Capable, Worthy, Open, Successful.  Choose your word and write it down as I AM…..Your Word
  • Three times a day practice looking in the mirror saying it 10 times out loud.  Record your reaction in your daily journal
  • Keep your boot camp commitments and be aware when you do not.  NO CRITICISM or JUDGEMENT just awareness.  This is a process you will transform as time goes on




  • This is how success is created.  You Declare it/You Become it/You Receive it.  It is not think about it/worry about it/whine about it.  Do this and if you do not feel better or hit resistance CALL ME OR ANGELUS immediately  Kim 203-345-0677  Angelus 203-645-1580.
  • Your current reality/experience is a reflection of your most powerful/current belief.  You may not even be aware of it but it is creating the results or lack there of you are experiencing.  Flip the belief change your reality and your ability to take action in the face of discomfort and desire.
  • THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO IN THE PROGRAM.  Make sure you do this BEFORE ANY flash in call.  It will reduce any mind frick that you are experiencing and empower you to get the most from the flash in.  If you forget I will tell you to hang up and do it then call me/us back
  • FLASH INS are meant to share success stories, share challenges to receive support and or a safe place to show up to when you are having a human moment.  Keep in mind these calls are privileges and do not confuse them with talk therapy.  We focus on actions, behaviors and attitudes.  Feelings are welcome but we do not analyze them.
  • Feelings and flash-ins are not to be used to defend, justify or blame your reality on others, the economy or your coaches.  Flash-ins are used for support and a non-judgmental mirror to help you respond to what you are creating. Be prepared to deal with the core issues not the symptoms.  We are here to help you discern the difference.
  •  Angelus and I stand for your success and to help you overcome your excuses, buts and becauses.  No matter how compelling it is we will not buy into the Beliefs that are causing you to forfeit your birthright.

Enjoy Yourself, Have Fun and SHOW UP to your success this week.  It is waiting for you


Your Success Sergeant,


Kim, Success Genie



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